Plants eat carbon dioxide
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oxygen - greatest pollutant in Earth history |
Before photosynthesis the atmosphere the early earth would have realized that of Mars: 98% carbon dioxide. The average Martian temperature is very very cold.
about -81 degrees F.
Temperatures on Mars average about -81 degrees F. However, temperatures range from around -220 degrees F. in the wintertime at the poles, to +70 degrees F. over the lower latitudes in the summer.
So the air temperature of the inner solar system, is exclusively controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles. That have are 28 year periods or warming and cooling though there are longer period emission variations.
So the the climate started cooling and 1995, there are 2005 was a warm year in the UK. The average global temperature water cooling. The natural weather will stop warming again next year.
But all through the present epoch, since before mankind even evolved, temperate carbon dioxide levels have been limited to just two parts per million. In the Jurassic there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
A generally warm period, with three natural ice ages! And the temperate carbon dioxide level would have shot up to eight PPM.
Oxygen is the greatest pollutant in earth history. Released as green algae involved. Eating all that lovely carbon dioxide, and oxygen bubbling bubbling after the seas.
Then we hit the cretaceous mass extinction: they biggest mass extinction in earth history. As carbon dioxide levels fell to just one PPM and green plants could only take in during the day, the carbon dioxide the excreted at night.
During the day and plants eat carbon dioxide
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cm(H₂O)n+O₂-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So during the day plants suck Ian all the carbon dioxide making get. And use light radiation to ponder the carbon ion to water molecules, to make carbohydrates.
A process that takes in heat. And pills the carbohydrates of plant book - the animals eat.
And the same time photosynthesis is doing biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(...). So plants give out a faint blue light and X rays! And use helium and free radical oxygen.
So of photosynthesis is a type of nuclear fusion on earth. Acting as the giant battery. And doing nuclear fusion on earth down to 0° C on land. Plants in the seas do this nuclear fusion down to -22° C.
During the nights phones to reverse the cycle, and oxidise the carbohydrates. To use or residual nuclear fusion energy. They do the animal half of the carbon cycle during the dark hours.
2 Cm(H₂O)n+mO₂+TU→mCO₂+E+nH₂O TU= turbulence
Animals eat plant biomass, so do 2 all day. But plans take Ian the carbon dioxide within 5 minutes. So there is more carbon dioxide in the morning air. And the lowest temperatures!
Buying made a day, around the temperate world we are back to two PPM carbon dioxide, there is a photosynthetic imposed limit to carbon dioxide levels.
Man's burning of hydrocarbons, as the 0.00004% to the daily carbon dioxide breathed out by animals. 100 per cent in which he is taken in by plants to photosynthesis during the day.
They can be no gradual increase of carbon dioxide levels on the planet doing photosynthesis. Around the temperate earth the photosynthetic limit is two PPM.
Above the arctic ice In winter, there is no photosynthesis on land or in the ice, C.s. Carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM. Air temperature down to -50° C! So carbon dioxide is very not a warming gas.
Then spring comes, the ice melts and photosynthesis resumes in the seas and oceans. And carbon dioxide falls to just two PPM. Physics made up man made global warming, apparently in total ignorance of biology is carbon cycle and without any knowledge of how the weather systems of the earth are controlled by the sun.
Carbon emissions become active plant life within 5 minutes. The carbon dioxide never rises to the stratosphere, where our weather is made.
All the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling since 1995. All control by a predictable solar emission cycles. Backed a warming next year!
Nothing to do the static trace levels of carbon dioxide in the air. Academics of eight definite teaching students that static gases affects nothing! Practically static trace gases.
So carbon dioxide supports all life on earth. The Ginger plants excreting oxygen, and building plant biomass - which supports more animal life on earth.
90% of life on earth died at the end of the cretaceous. Due to a carbon tax levels fall into just one PPM. Animals did exist, and they are multiplied in number ontill life on earth recovered.
To the Jurassic Life stage! The most vital biological stage in earth history. Carbon dioxide levels around the temperate earth were then four PPM. Above the four ice In winter eight PPM.
There were three natural ice ages. They carbon dioxide around the temperate earth was fixed at eight PPM, the polar carbon dioxide level being 16 PPM.
All displayed in the face mineral records around the earth. A little time capsule into the earth's atmosphere in prehistory.
So nuclear power made up man made climate change, talking about the biologically preposterous increase in carbon dioxide levels. Green plants just grow and so can the carbon dioxide as the air.
Burning the fossil fuels is gradually releasing the 85% of life on earth that died at the end of the Jurassic. The Jurassic had more biological life ban is on earth today.
As you burn the fossil fuels we have gradually releasing that organic carbon back into the ecosphere - where life hangs out. So burning fossil fuels increases life on earth.
But he does an increased the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air. Green plants limit carbon dioxide! Mankind could not increase carbon dioxide if he tried.
Which to why nuclear power started going on about carbon emissions: as they realised in horror that biology Carbon dioxide at just two PPM. Surely emissions would have a significance!
They are measure of how much biological life there he is on earth. More plants leads inevitably to more animals! Who eat plant biomass, oxidise the carbohydrates and fats, and breathe out the carbon dioxide required to stimulate plant growth during the day.
Which leaves biology as a world experts on nuclear fusion on earth. Man made climate change was nuclear cover, as the world static cooling 1995. Obviously nothing to do carbon dioxide!
The static trace gas that supports life on earth. My thanks go as ever to lower Professor Bernard Argent. He pointed out the importance of plants and biology and carbon dioxide levels, 2001.
The world nuclear power bills its power plants using concrete, produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone. Driving off the carbon dioxide. Making an active nuclear plant plant building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
Which serve only to stimulate life on earth. Our weather is made in the stratosphere, and the carbon dioxide does not even rise that high. It is a heavy gas which hugs the ground, being sucked in by plants doing photosynthesis.
The only technology of mankind's, the TheX the weather is nuclear power. As the inevitable triple core meltdown experience by nuclear reactor every 25 years around the earth, causes a nuclear winter. And also livs to millions of human deaths.
Resulting me after Chernobyl the required insurance rose to 40 billion: they carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. After Fukushima in Japan 2010, the required insurance rose to 100 billion.
Every nuclear power plant on earth Carries just a criminally insufficient 50 million. The most toxic Energy System on earth, criminally under insured.
And very much not carbon neutral. We can use a Carnot refrigeration cycle to free use carbon dioxide as the air. That is the engineering name for a fridge or freezer.
We do the electrolysis of water to form separate strains of hydrogen and oxygen. We then follow the 1912 noble prize in chemistry, for the addition of hydrogen to carbon dioxide.
To freeze methane - natural gas. So we produce a carbon neutral natural gas source. So any ensuring company can produce endless free E natural gas.
3 CO₂+3O₂+(Al)+E+TU→CH₄+2H₂O+(Al) aluminium is the cheapest face centre cubic metal cancer list. That doubles the reaction rate. The aluminium is not used up.
We have to supply andow 38 W of heat. Otherwise the process will not happen! Increasing the gas pressure to andow three atmospheres also increases reaction rates.
Above three atmospheres the gas wants to burn back into carbon dioxide. Gas will only burn at four atmospheres or more.
So any light engineering firm, can produce endless free natural gas. They do need a source of free electricity.
4 H₂O+P+PL→He+O+E²
My American friend firm that a non pressurise 30x1cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder, would release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
Utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. A little steam turbine will convert into 500 kW of carbon zero electricity. We convert into mains AC for convenience.
So that will drive a Carnot pump. Pressurise the gas it gets hot. We lose their heat to the air a body water. An energy vent the pressure we produce cooling! Were down to -20° C to condense dry ice as the air. Which is solid carbon dioxide.
It will also heat the hydrogen and carbon dioxide to 400° C. And C pump the gas through a tight aluminium helix, we get out methane and water!
We pass through a water tank, and the water condenses out. We then free use the methane into liquid natural gas. And sell it to the gas main!
Massively undercutting fossil fuel natural gas. Pipped from Russia. In the U.S. week in condense carbon dioxide as the air at low temperature. And hydrogen in an aluminium helix, and get her almost free methane!
Which sucks carbon dioxide as the air to form. And when burnt at higher pressure and only releases the same carbon dioxide - it is carbon neutral.
And can be used as there totally replacing source of natural gas. Which is carbon neutral. All from the 1912 noble prize for chemistry.
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