Free non nuclear carbon zero heat and power
non toxic heat & power |
Every 3 minutes somewhere around the world there is a lightening strike, that produces little light and X rays, while releasing helium and ozone gases. There is no chemical source of helium! Were doing molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² so the pressurise turbulent interaction of rain or snow particles in storms, does nuclear fusion - down to -50° C in the arctic air.
By now or every physicist on earth has read my postings on the subject! Not one has aspirin more details - as it is all so obvious,
In a glass cylinder we do the twice as energetic plasma burn from regular steam. As the a hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons. The plasma breaks water molecules apart into positive atomic nuclei and free electrons.
2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ A non nuclear source of neutrons! Which are the unminder of matter. Converting the oxygen ions into neutrons ions and free electrons.
3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻ I would have appreciated some physics import here. I had to learn it off the Internet!
Our big energy release comes as we enrich the hydrogen into tritium, which fissions into heat light and X rays.
4 ̾H+2n⁰→3(E²+L+X-ray) the neutrons are a proton bonded to an electron. So we convert three atomic masses into heat light and X rays,
So it is more dynamic the molecular nuclear fusion! And every 3 minutes a 1.5 x2cm steam plasma in a of lightning bolts, releases 2.5x10³⁰W of heat. So I estimated that a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.5 MW of heat. But there are a lot of estimations going on here.
My American friend fired up a 30x1cm steam plasma and got a constant 1 MW of heat produced! Which is almost exactly the same as my calculations!
So we convert regular water molecules into massive heat with light and lower power X rays. Utilising and producing no radioactive isotopes! Present uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion, per power plant! They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.
So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant on earth. Just to toxic and dangerous!
And our steam plasma is 80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear power. Our 30x1.5cm steam plasma will generate a constant 500 kW of free, non nuclear carbon zero electricity.
We are no production of radioactive substances, require no 18 billion dollar concrete power plant. The whole plasma power units can be built by the garage hobbyist for under 2000 UK pounds.
Giving an annual income from the power company and three million UK pounds every year. The absolutely no carbon dioxide.
Uranium nuclear power bills its plants using loads and loads of concrete, produced via a fossil fuel burn heating limestone - to drive of the carbon dioxide and produce that only sets as the setting concrete sucks carbon dioxide from the air.
So in two years of plant construction, nuclear power releasing the carbon equivalent of a commercial power plant operating for 25 years. Making nuclear power the fourth largest manmade source of carbon dioxide.
Producing a massive spike of carbon dioxide as the bills its power plants. Surely more dangerous than slow and gradual release a carbon dioxide from a conventional power plant.
In actual fact photosynthesis on land and in the seas, converts extra come dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes. So extra come dioxide least two additional life on earth!
Of the carbon dioxide is removed from the air within 5 minutes, there is no weather effect! Carbon dioxide never rises into the stratosphere, where terrestrial weather is made anyway.
The weather has 28 year periods or warming cooling. This has been cooling since 1995. Cause five predictable solar emission cycles! So manmade climate change was nuclear cover for natural global cooling!
Total biological nonsense! Carbon dioxide supports all life on earth. Animals only evolved to convert the oxygen excreted by plants, doing a slow matter burn of plant bulk, to breathe out the carbon dioxide required to stimulate plant growth.
The biggest mass extinction in prehistory was the end of the cretaceous. As photosynthesis evolved 90% of life on earth died! A bigger mass extinction than the death of the dinosaurs.
The Jurassic had twice the level of carbon dioxide rises in the temperate air today! There was 85% more active life on earth. Though there were three natural ice ages! We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Rising to eight PPM during the ice age.
Today and there is just two PPM in the temperate earth during the day. At night plants get the anti by oxidising the flats they produced during the day. Doing the animal half of the carbon cycle.
Over the arctic ice there is no photosynthesis. So we are back to the Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide. Air temperature down to -50° C! Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas.
This idea was from the late professor emeritus Bernard Argent. Cleverest man I knew! Who would not use a high intensity ultrasound to clear his cancer, as I advised.
So the university medics at Sheffield University medicated him to death. Today he the world is all using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to buzz cancers and infections away. This is caused doctors and drug company is 80% of the income. And they are not happy!
By prescribing cancer drugs has been criminal and defective medical malpractice since 2002 - when the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancer.
Every registered Dr. and drug company personally validated HIUS, using an 8 W three MHZ unit. Am is then required to use it to clear all cancers! Cancer drugs became illegal and criminal prescriptions.
But drug company is continued fancy inducing ones registered doctors to still prescribe the defective and fatal cancer treatments. Such psychopathic mass murdering bastards should never have been medicine.
So in summary we can fire up our steam plasma tube, and get at our free, non nuclear, carbon free heat and power. The sort of technological development Sheffield University should have been behind.
Nuclear power purchased Dr. Z his chair in Chemical Engineering, and he lost all interest in clean and safe free nuclear fusion from the turbulent flow of water.
Any real scientists out there, my email is
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