Free and safe carbon zero power

free c0 heat and power

Not uranium nuclear power!  They leave your lower plants using concrete produced via a fossil fuel burn playing on limestone.  Making an active power plant building nuclear power the fourth biggest manmade source of carbon dioxide.

Mean while all around the earth he every rain or snow showers turns regular water into helium and ozone gases.

1 H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E

So the positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls to the ground with the electrons.  And we all smell the ozone gas from a heavy storms.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, a lightening down strike links up the charge area, and we discharge that electrical current.  But now we have set up a steam plasma.

And the steam plasma deconstruct the water molecules into positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

And yes S oxygen will carry a positive charge!  Though he does not like it.

Thus, an energetic electron passing near or through an oxygen molecule, O2, may force one of the electrons out of the molecule. The result is an ion pair consisting of the positive oxygen ion, O2+, and the negative detached electron, e-.

So a plasma is a matter ball mill converting the water molecules into just heat light and X rays.  Every lightening strike is a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma.  There Prix uses five terms of helium ions in three seconds.

A quick relativistic conversion, and this converts to 2.5x10³⁰W our carbon zero energy.  But lightening strikes of ios cells very random.

But we can use a high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to fire up A plasma in steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan in a glass cylinder.

When we try this at Sheffield University 2001, we are staggered to get the emission of light and X rays.  And my PH D work was suddenly and abruptly ended.  There was talk of me doing a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge.  The Cambridge did not offer.

So he can interpolate that a steam plasma turns a very very tiny weand water into massive heat.  So I have been on at Sheffield to famine a steam plasma since 2008.  They are too busy spurning the research grants became from uranium nuclear power, try fictitious papers about climate change.

As professor argent pointed out to me, he having time the world since 2005, the green plants' gobble up carbon dioxide from the air.  The in just a static two parts per million in the temperate air in the present epoch.  IA static trace gas affects nothing!

Above the polar ice In winter, there is no photosynthesis.  The snow covers the land and ice covers the seas.  The year of four PPM carbon dioxide.  Air temperature -50° C.  So manmade global buying climate change were just fiction from uranium nuclear power.

My American contact did via the have are steam plasma.  And got truly incredible results!

3 (H₂O+P+PL) enclosed→E²+L...X-ray E²=1 MW our carbon zero heat.

The first time has deconstructed it it atoms, into a minister of sub atomic particles.  The hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons - the a minder of matter.

4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ totally obvious to physics!  Who again were too busy explaining the nuclear research grants, charge to point out that lightening did carbon zero heat generation.

For neutrons bond with each oxygen ion, so we are left with four hydrogen ions and free electrons.  Two neutrons bond with the every hydrogen ion, and we get the most massive energy source in the universe!  All totally carbon zero.

5 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L...X-ray A blinding white light, and lower power harmless X-rays.  And just the most massive heat ever!

HIUS of my American friend got 1 MW of carbon zero heat from the steam plasma.  We run A steam turbine using their heat.  And get a 58 kilowatts of carbon zero electricity.

The carbon free power for 60 houses.  An annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds, to the plasma power plant owner.  And we can set up a plasma plant in the garden shed.  And he runs of regular water.

3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular tap water a year: and now we could not measure it either!  We had to calculate it.  So fission is to say it that so little water reservoir or with a 5 cc of regular water.  Will outlast the age of the earth!  Before we are swallowed by a swelling sun.

Week in use A tilted superconducting magnetic coil, to act as a shield from the naked solar radiation.  Which is death within two days!  The formation was eight days.  No Apollo astronauts ever got radiation sickness!  Non have ever left the earth!

They took psychoactive drugs, which gave them a floating feeling.  And the camera crew slowed down the footage, to give the astronauts a slow but you may like movement.

In actual fact any attempt to walk with shots there national is 10 feet into the air.  And they were remanded 12 miles away.  I would die horribly!

The Apollo astronauts brought back loads of silver haplide photographs.  Taken by a regular camera.  We now realise that X-rays expose photographic film.  So all the Apollo murderers would have been totally black!

Today he we could use digital photography.  Which did not exist in the 19 sixty's!

So captive lightening strike in a glass cylinder, bubble ideas for the annual income a warm 0.5 million UK pounds.  Providing the light heat and energy of free!  The obvious C C.s to consume mains gas and electricity.

We sell our excess current to the national grid.  Which goes carbon zero.  And ceases to take current from a commercially fired power plant, or hyper toxic and an insured nuclear plant.

Since Fukushima every operating nuclear power plant, has required annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  There is no insurance above one billion.  And the company are not allowed to carry the insurance in house.

As one nuclear incident, which happens at present was a richer five years or more frequently, would wipe out the company's value and removes the of nuclear insurance.

EDF in France seem to have have pretty constant radiation leaks from its nuclear power plants.  A plasma power plant requires no insurance.  As he handles no radioactive materials!

And has no radioactive core.  It will never experience a Chernobyl all Fukushima.  Just producing them is free E carbon zero heat and power.


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