The world cures climate change
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the world gave me the solution |
My old professor, Bernard argent told me 2001, the plants take in carbon dioxide! I looked on the Internet, around the temperate world down to the present limit of two parts per million, during the day around the temperate earth.
2001 professor Z tour with a turbulent flow of high pressure steam or water did nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E² the most incisive creative thinking I have ever come across.
Dr. Zero and received his chair by phoning from uranium nuclear power, in 2010 and lost all interest in nuclear fusion. What a waste!
I was sat in my office in salford quays, asking the world questions.
First question was 'what happens when a proton and electron merge'. Physics stop me that a positron electron would annihilate, there is a proton Carries a single positive charge, and a mass boson.
I have a master's degree in engineering, so I did not automatically know the answer! Though every high school physics student would have done.
2 p⁺+e⁻→n⁰
So neutron both attracts and repels are a proton. So they form the atomic nuclei. To neutrons for every proton.
My next question was, 'when you had a free electrons to a hydrogen ion what happens?'
The hydrogen nucleus is usually one proton bonded to one neutron. To neutrons gives ua dueretium. Which is stable.
But two extra neutrons, give us tritium.
Half life 12.3 years
Tritium (denoted T or 3H) is a radiogenic and radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a half-life of 12.3 years; it decays to ³He by beta decay.
I began to get interested! So I went in search of professor Z's turbulence. And I have found a lightening! Lightening is set up by heavy rain or snow and doing molecular nuclear fusion.
3 H₂O+P+TU→2He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ TU= turbulence
When we pass over a potential of 5000 volts, 100 amps, A partial steam plasma tracks its way from the cloud tops to the ground. A lightening strike!
4 H₂O+P+PL→2He²⁺+O⁺+e⁻+E²+X-ray
Those X rays are very interesting, as all hydrogen fission releases so many, shortening the half-life of ³H to 0.1 seconds! Effect of the instantaneous nuclear fission.
And all the time this free electrons of bonding with other hydrogen nuclei. So lightening spits out loads of neutrons!
So mysterious 2001 I wrote my first paper about molecular nuclear fusion. And professor Z ended my PH D work. Not really his fault, as a total academic power on nuclear fusion science. Even professor argent could not get any audience for his ideas. And he was an emeritus professor.
Albert Einstein said 'imagination is a fighter than knowledge!'. I had ideas, but I have access to the Internet.
So I fired up a steam plasma glass cylinder, in my mind. And are found at four atmospheres the plasma was started will self sustain. But we got high levels of neutron formation.
So rather molecular nuclear fusion, they got the twice as dynamic plasma burn from regular steam.
5 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)
So I started blocking about this for years ago. 18 months ago air pump and American on benefits, who got a 30x1.5cm the steam plasma and use a high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light to fire up the plasma.
He had a captive strand of lightning! And we know that lightening is a 1.5kn x 2cm steam plasma set up at eight atmospheres, collapsing at three.
And geography is have put on record that each lightening strike produce five tonnes of helium ions. With associated ozone and X rays! Plus light generation.
There is a more light and X rays are massively important! So is the production of helium. As is no chemical source of any! We are doing a steam burn from regular water. We are doing 5.
And others X rays will shorten the half-life of ³H from 23 years, to 0.1 seconds! Suddenly we have a massive source of carbon zero heat.
My American friend firm that his 30x1.5cm steam plasma generate a constant 1 MW of heat. Totally carbon free! And we produce no hyper toxic solid radioactive waste. We burn the regular water into heat light and X rays. We decompose the matter into waveforms.
So we run a steam cycle. That will produce a constant 500 kW of carbon zero electricity. The turbine has a Power Electronics to convert the DC into mains linked AC voltage and phase.
That is a carbon zero heat and power for 60 houses: we use a steam after the steam turbine to drive an area space heating system. Totally carbon free heating!
So we sell our excess current to the national grid. Who faces three million UK pounds annually, for a a excess current. Totally carbon zero electricity. No fossil fuel burn - and no radioactive materials involved.
All the radioactive isotopes decay he within the glass cylinder. The neutrons do not even escape! So get heat light and lower power X rays.
So every garage harvest can set up the plasma power plant in his garden shed, and generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.
Arrows Bernard argent pointed out, plants' gobble up all the extra carbon dioxide they can get! So the extra come dioxide produced by burning fossilised life, is converted back into plant biomass around the temperate earth within 5 minutes.
Above the arctic ice There is no photosynthesis on land or in the seas. In the winter months we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Temperature -50° C!
Carbon dioxide is very much not a warming gas! It supports all biology on life. Excepting some bacteria in a volcanic pools, that use them or acidic sulphur cycle. Rather than the carbon cycle.
So here we have a simple engineering solution to carbon zero heat. Require a light engineering at Sheffield is very good at. Will professor Z at all the engineers in Sheffield like you should do.
It depends on how much money nuclear power has given him! They have four the whole of academia. But they haven't bought me!
So here is the way he to do a carbon zero heat and power generation. Using 1950s technology! Really not hard. Thanks to all the global santis who have contributed fits of the idea to the whole idea.
I could have done nothing without you!
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