Producing fossil fuel free electricity
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plasma burns water |
Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. Where the turbulent interaction of rain or snow particles, does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² TU= turbulence in the precipitation of rain or snow. Down to -50° C!
My PH D at Sheffield University 2001 ended my PH D for no reasons, as I wrote my first paper about nature doing nuclear fusion in the air. He after he kept up to date on my research!
There we haven't bought the chair of Processing Chemical engineer by nuclear power, so had lost interest in the nuclear fusion he was so interested in.
This sets up a 1.5km x 2cm the steam plasma, which discharges the electrical potential. The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, the negative charge falls to ground.
The lightening down strike discharges the electrical potential. For the of a much more energetic lightening up strike, as nature does nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² here we produce five tonnes of helium ions. Which teaches is that E²= 1.2 MW of carbon zero heat. We are producing no carbon dioxide here! And it goes off from regular light water.
If you set this system up in a glass cylinder, the neutrons bond with a heavier atomic ions, Annie get twice the energy emission.
3 (H₂O+P+PL) contained→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.
So we burn no fossil fuels, and the they utilised or produce radioactive materials. Totally clean and safe non nuclear heat.
Burning oil and gas only releases 45 kW of heat/m of burners. A 50x1cm steam plasma release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.
My old PH D supervisor had shown no interest in confirming this life changing science. It was after my American contact on benefits! Who did not pressurise the system.
4 H₂O+PL→1MW our carbon zero heat+L+X-ray
The light and X rays are low power on of no consequence. So a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. We fire up the plasma using the electronics from old fluorescent light.
The pressure mention shoot up to 10 atmospheres! So the plasma will self sustain. Utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. Three civilisations well have risen and fallen, the worker even think about topping this system up!
So basically the lightening tube will cure for massive heat and light for the rest or time for free. No carbon dioxide! No utilisation of production of radioactive materials.
Present uranium nuclear power bills its power plants using concrete. So the two years of plant construction releases the Covent carbon emissions from their operation of a commercially fired power station for 25 years.
Making an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Uranium nuclear is so not carbon zero!
After Fukushima every operating nuclear power plant needs but does not have a annual insurance cover of 100 billion. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.
So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant on earth. And stopped hosting spurious conferences into carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis on land and the seas sucks in carbon dioxide, so within 5 minutes of its release all extra come dioxide is backAnd active plant biomass.
There is just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air. There is four PPM carbon dioxide above the polar ice In winter. Air temperature -50° C. In the little ice age of the 18th century, we have four PPM carbon dioxide across Europe.
Covered in snow! Average temperature -20° C. Carbon dioxide rises in the cold. Though it does not cause it. Photosynthesis eats carbon dioxide, and there is no carbon dioxide he we're snow covering the land and ice In the seas.
Our plasma tube will happily the rate 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat, at -20° C. It is not affected by the environment. It neither produces or requires carbon dioxide.
The plasma turns light water into massive carbon zero heat. We drive the boiler room in a steam turbine, and get out mad hot steam at eight atmospheres pressure 800° C. Which will generate 1.2 MW of carbon zero mains electricity.
We use by electronics to convert the DC into mains linked AC current. So the garage hobbyist can easily set up my 30x1.5cm steam plasma, and generate the carbon zero electricity for 60 houses.
Of too little water ever to measure! We have no fossil fuel burn and no fossil production of carbon dioxide. We are burning water in a plasma.
So no radioactive materials involved all produced. No impossible insurance required! No radioactive nuclear cord to experience a meltdown and no spraying of radioactive isotopes over the continent every 25 years - like Chernobyl or Fukushima. That is what uranium nuclear power does automatically.
Which is why all uranium nuclear requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion. Without it the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth.
But each garage hobbyist can use to generate 500 kW of carbon zero power. Getting an annual income from the national grid of 4.5 million a year. For that lovely carbon zero power!
Any more than a year than the average working man earns in a lifetime of work. From a garden shed plasma power plant. Which is 1950s technology. The hardest measure of technology the use, is the fluorescent light starter. To fire off a self sustaining plasma.
The amount of water we top up the plasma is to is so tiny! And we produce no radioactive waste. And again, absolutely no carbon dioxide!
In contrast uranium nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Very much not carbon zero!
It transpires that freezing carbon zero electricity and heat is a very very simple. Using A level physics! Familiar to every university physicist or engineer.
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