Professor Agent cured climate change 2001
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World has been cooling since 1995 |
That year professor argent who got me back to my old university: as herself as the air ceased car accident and he died. He have been pressed their time vacc nuclear power is lack of adequate insurance cover, when I wrote a systems failure essay 1983.
Since Fukushima her every operating nuclear power plant that is what happens we must do physics about the carbon cycle - has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion. There is no commercially available insurance above one billion! And you are not allowed to carry the insurance so that the so in house.
As a series nuclear accident near share price collapses, and your insurance cover is worthless! Without adequate insurance the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant on earth.
I wrote a book about photosynthesis reducing carbon dioxide during the day to just two parts per million. So plants on land and sea, eat carbon dioxide.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+r/2O+H₂O)ₙ→Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+r(He+O₃+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So photosynthesis is really a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion. Which is why green plants in light give out X rays and produce helium and ozone. Ozone being O₃. Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ are the carbohydrates of life. There is no chemical source of helium or X rays, or for that matter the fate blue light photosynthesis produces.
But there is no photosynthesis above the polar ice In winter. So carbon dioxide levels spiked at 4 PPM. Air temperature -50° C.
That is what happens when you listen to physics about the carbon cycle - the measure biology life support system on earth. The sulphur cycle is much to acidic! It goes on in volcanic pounds, which have sulphuric acid in, and produce hydrogen sulfide gas. Also again emitting X rays!
So since photosynthesis evolved in the Jurassic, the trace level of carbon dioxide in the temperate air has been determined exclusively by the fish and sea of photosynthesis.
So the Jurassic there was 8 PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate earth in the one periods. There were three natural ice ages, the carbon dioxide rose to 16 PPM.
Was again this is biology, and nuclear power don't do biology! So all the county's carbon emissions, have actually resurrected the life that died in prehistory. The Jurassic had 85% more active biology. Even photosynthesis was less efficient at e.g. carbon dioxide.
As we burn the fossil fuels, finance convert them into biomass within 5 minutes! Sucking the carbon dioxide as the air. And the carbon dioxide level rises to the stratosphere, where our weather is made anyway.
I have a master's degree in engineering and metallurgy. So I had to learn that biology from an old a level textbooks. It is that basic! Though Bernard Argent's remarks to get me in the attic looking for were old textbooks.
So fans taking carbon dioxide and excrete the ozone, which forms a protective barrier around the world. Stopping the interests of the key at solar radiation. From the temperate world!
Carbon dioxide could not affect the weather, it never rises to the high air where our weather is made. And climate is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.
So the world climate has been cooling predictably since 1995: five years before my PH D into global warming! Which I decided he was a load of nuclear funded scientific fiction.
There 2005 all the academics only a living from global warming, remis the world had been cooling for 10 years. So changed tack to climate change! Which is due clear speak for global cooling.
And conclusive proof that global warming or scientific fiction! The world will next stop warming in 2023. Expect all the quasi academics to dust off their old time fiddlers into manmade global warming.
That carbon dioxide is a static trace gas in the air. Taken in in convert into plant biomass by photosynthesis during the day. During the night plans so it should burning fats - this is so we shall four so animal life all day.
So what did climate change predict? That the weather was cooling, but there so the plasma down is emissions of life facing carbon dioxide.
Converted into plant biomass and oxygen within 5 minutes. More plant life these inevitably to more animal life.
Considerably nuclear power kills all life. And somewhere around the world every 25 years, and earth even it will cause a triple core meltdown in a uranium nuclear power plant.
Think Windscale, 3 Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Nuclear power is a hyper toxic industry of Satan.
I predicted five years ago air nobody would ever invaded the Ukraine, the by the Chernobyl site. The Russians did, but luckily make out there high explosive armaments 3 miles away from the disused nuclear site,
They concentrated on settling tanks to kill innocent civilians. I know it today and the UK is sending tanks to Ukraine: so can defend itself! UK tanks have Chobum Armour.
Which have a ceramic tiles, to stop the action of anti tank shell rounds. Russian tanks do not! So the UK types can take out the Russian tanks with one round., There is loads the UK and helicopters.
We can drop anti tank rounds of tax from above. Where they have little Armour! And they will kill the tank commander, and destroy the tank! Russian tanks are such sitting ducks.
Average vamost before about using helicopter launched torpedoes, to take out the Russian ships. Which has happened! 3000 lire a personal killed by every ship destroyed.
The Ukraine doesn't have any ships! Any ship he Ukrainian waters, this could yet some! Which is why rasher and personnel or refusing to fight in the Ukraine.
The tanks can be taken out anyway by the Madeira full armored vehicles. That 10 and massively at town tanks. There would not stand a chance face to face! So they just manouver around the side, and for her or an anti tank missile!
The tanks are sitting ducks. They are grade for military advancing, but it was realized even in the first world war they can not occupy lands safely. They are just too vulnerable! And taking a one tank years 10,000,000! A large bottles you were talking about 200,000,000.
Vladamin Putin has resulted in the deaths of 4000 Russian army personnel. 10,000,000 each. Another 40 billion! Putin has become the most fatal Russian president in history.
And the Ukraine as a fellow Russians! Putin is trying to reestablish the USSR, by invading never a state's. The non aggression pacts Putin signed with Baltic states, Helen was a little legal power as a peace deal Hitler and Stalin signed. Before Hitler invaded by rasher when it suited him!
So professor Argent died in 2015, still fuming the other academics would not listen to be about biology consuming carbon dioxide. Which he transpired was her level biology! I was taught has a 50 year old.
As far as every scientific academic on the planet. Who was realise that manmade climate change is a load of nuclear power funded science fiction. And they have gone very quiet about carbon dioxide!
Realizing that building a nuclear power plant, is 1/4 largest source of man made carbon dioxide. Releasing in two years of carbon dioxide produced for the operation of Covid flu five per plant in 25. Making an active nuclear power building programme, my cannot fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
Which is nuclear power is hyper toxic, under insured and so not carbon neutral! And professor Argent was an emeritus professor of metallurgy. And the clearance, I have ever met! Certainly on a par with Dr. MatZinger.
You want to carbon neutral heat and power generation? I proposed that a steam plasma did the carbon neutral molecular nuclear fusion. My American friend stop the plant and confirmed it.
2 H₂O+TU→2(E²+L+X-ray)
I propose to pressurise the gas - my friend did not bother. He used a 30x1.5cm glass cylinder and after to 4 MW of heat. Totally carbon zero power!
We feed into a boiler room free steam turbine, and get her steam at eight atmospheres pressure 800° C at an estimate. That your own family kilowatts of carbon neutral electricity.
After the turbine the still mad hot steam can be used to drive a space heating system, for 60 houses we are producing carbon neutral electricity for.
And he utilises just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. We have a spring loaded 5 cc water reservoir, and that the people are 1000 generations away, top it up!
We burn no fossil fuels. And produce no hyper toxic radioactive waste: we require no impossible nuclear insurance. We get out just carbon zero heat and power.
Professor Argent would have been so pleased to this idea! Though he died seven years ago. He where he is so frustrating but the climate change brigade, still do not take on board the green plants in light emit carbon dioxide.
Does the present limit of just 2 PPM. Five burning the fossil fuels that kind has increased active biological life on earth. The weather is controlled by a predictable solar cycles!
Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas. And never makes it to the high air - where our weather is modified for naked solar radiation. Which reacts to predictable solar emission cycles.
The weather will next warm 2023. Which I predicted in 2002!
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