Making carbon zero electricity
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CO2 is life |
Is remarkably trivial! Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike, that does molecular nuclear fusion. Where the turbulence of the rain or snow storms, turn some other water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, with massive carbon zero heat.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² E²= 2.4 MW our carbon neutral heat - burning fossil fuels including coal, or oil and gas only releases 45 kW.
As they it fire up a steam plasma, in the fuel flames.
2 CₘHₙ+(m+n-r)O₂→mCO₂+(1-r)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
Natural gas is C₂H₄. Or oil is basically a higher carbon number. The remember in 1, we get carbon zero heat! That releases inert helium and oxygen. The oxygen atoms reaction oxygen molecules in the air, to form the ozone and creates the ozone layer. Essential to protect multi cellular life from naked solar radiation.
The Apollo Moon and perhaps did not bother with solar radiation measures, which would require 6 inches of lead shielding. Making the spacecraft just impossible ever to launch!
So the survival time for the Apollo astronauts would have been two days, and the Apollo missions were eight days! And not one Apollo astronauts suffered radiation sickness or death before they made Moon landing. So as the biologically impossible!
The outer space is so full of radiation - with no handy ozone shield all magnetic field and the earth.
So we can fire up A steam plasma and get out massive carbon zero heat. In a confined glass cylinder, the plasma creates loads and loads of neutrons.
3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ these are the a minder of matter!
For them bond with oxygen nuclei, to cause repeated nuclear fission and till we are left with four hydrogen nuclei and three free electrons.
4 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻ so were steam plasma acts as a damp down hydrogen plasma. All a matter ends up as hydrogen nuclei and free electrons.
Then we get our big energy release
5 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+X-ray
So if we put it all together, our steam plasma is a massive carbon zero Energy System. Involving no expensive coal, or oil or gas. Freezing no carbon dioxide.
Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. We can applying vacuum to C or river water, and just one metre of vacuum will suck out pure water vapour. And we condense this water vapour, it is the purest decelerated water on earth. For very nearly free!
6 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW/m are steam plasma. Which looks really really interesting! A non nuclear carbon zero Energy System: the investors into the new UK coal mines are going to lose a lot of money.
Us call is basically for a expensive to extract. And a steam plasma system course $3000 to set up A system that will produce a constant 1.2 MW of electricity for ever. The major expenses the steam turbine.
The plasma cylinder is very very cheap. My American friend on benefits set up a system to prove my ideas practically.
He found that q 30x1.5cm steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of heat - as he did not pressurise the system. And it would have required 20 W to keep the plasma going! At four atmospheres you will self sustain,
We fire up the plasma using the starter from old fluorescent light. Light switches on, and will continue while we maintain the plasma pressure - or so by external current.
My friends and pressurise plasma system will happily drive a 500 kW steam turbine. So applying the carbon neutral electricity for 60 houses. From an just two little water ever to measure in 1000 lifetimes! 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc. We never need top it up!
We should provide a little spring loaded water reservoir, so our distant ancestors or not a worry about topping up the plasma anyway.
So we produce carbon zero electrical power and heat! We are generating 1.2 MW of carbon zero power. We convert into mains linked phase and voltage electricity.
We have no boiler room! We burn no oil coal or gas. The investors in the new UK coal mine, of interviews so much money! As will be no market for carbon fuels.
This being said the Russians, have desperately tried to increase the price of natural gas. Which has a limited shelf life! They secrete nobody will be burning it next year. The law by using free plasma power.
To form natural gas week in use the Sebatier process - there was awarded the 1912 noble prize.
We use some are free electricity, to run a Carnot refrigeration cycle, and condense carbon dioxide as the air at -20° C. So to a home freezer systems mounted in series. We do the electrolysis of water, to form helium and oxygen gases.
The oxygen has highly commercial value anyway! We had the carbon dioxide and helium together, and he them up to 400° C. Using some that lovely free electricity!
We pass it through a tight aluminium helix. And get out unreacted gases, and methane gas, which is basically natural gas! We circulate round the unreacted gases, and filter off the methane.
Which we then refrigerate and sell on to the gas mains.
7 CO₂+3H₂+T+(Al)→CH₄+(2-r)H₂O+(Al)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
So the the formation of natural gas involves molecular nuclear fusion. Which is very much not a surprise.
So British Gas he can make methane for nearly free, And refill the gas cavities below the north sea. A massively reduced the cost of natural gas. All the time refilling the gas committee.
With a free methane produce by 7. So sucking carbon dioxide as the air - only released as a gases plant at higher pressure. So he is a carbon neutral fuel! It circulates the natural carbon dioxide, it is not introduce four in carbon dioxide, like from a burning fossil fuels.
So fossil fuel natural gas is not carbon zero! Making methane using Chemical Engineering, in 7 is.
That it is simpler and almost free to fire up a steam plasma, to drive your own little 500 kW steam turbine. So Companyis can sell their excess current to the national grid. At over 3,000 UK pounds per kilowatt year. So they're going to raise over 12,000,000 in payments from the power people.
What ever else it it does not really matter! They can set up 10 plasma power plants in an unused building. And get 120 million a year. They get to be massive power creators.
And nobody in their right mind would ever dream of burning oil, coal or gas ever again. The fans taking carbon dioxide to grow home - so man carriers emissions of carbon dioxide by burning the fossil fuels, has increased modern life on earth.
The Jurassic had fewer fossil fuels, but 85% more life on earth. The photosynthesis was less efficient. It left twice the carbon dioxide in the air.
A generally warm period with 85% more life. And three natural ice ages! You could walk from the UK to Europe. Which is how or animal life got the UK. There were not defend and or floating across on rafts of plant matter.
You had Lions in Kent! And not just in a zoo. Which obviously did not exist yet! As a farm had and is an animal feeders had yet to evolve.
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