Engineers make natural gas

NASA combines carbon dioxide with hydrogen

For the last decade people have been talking about combining carbon dioxide with hydrogen, to produce methane - the Sebatier process.  NASA use this published chemistry to turn carbon dioxide into water - throwing away the methane.

The Sabatier reaction or Sabatier process produces methane and water from a reaction of hydrogen with carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures (optimally 300–400 °C) and pressures (perhaps 3 MPa) in the presence of a nickel catalyst. ... Nickel is the most widely used catalyst due to its high selectivity and low cost.

1 CO₂+3H₂+T+P+(Ni)→CH₄+H₂O+(Ni)

We really want a source of free carbon neutral electricity.  This is not hard!  Though Professor Bernard Argent died still screaming at other scientists that green plants on land and sea took in carbon dioxide down to present limit of just two parts per million.

During the day photosynthesis uses ultraviolet light to fix carbon dioxide and water into the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  The in just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air in the afternoon.

Above the arctic ice In winter carbon dioxide rises to four PPM.  Air temperature -50° C!  Then spring comes and we are back to temperate average of just two PPM- as photosynthesis resumes and seas.

Carbon emissions boost life!  They do not affect the static trace level of carbon dioxide in the air.  Of extra come dioxide is converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.

2001 I became aware that every lightening strike, every 3 minutes around the world does molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+X-ray E²=1.2 MW/m of a lightening bolt

Academic geographers have written about the production of X rays and helium by lightning strikes.  Also by heavy rain - with a fluid turbulence again does 2.

In a confined glass cylinder all the neutrons caused by the bonding of hydrogen ions with free electrons, in a steam plasma form neutrons.  As they do even in lightening strikes!  Which is why lightning spews out so many neutrons.

3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

A 50x1cm steam plasma confined in a glass cylinder, release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.

4 (H₂O+P+PL)confined→2(E²+L+X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW of heat

A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into warm 0.2 MW of carbon neutral power: every climate scientists in the world has read my frequent papers on this subject!  Not one has replied.  As there are funded by hyper toxic uranium nuclear power.

How many science education dependent on the research money from nuclear power is obscene and should not be allowed!  Nuclear power should not be permitted to fund a spurious research into the weather - of which is has no knowledge!  Neither do the researching seventies.

Source is it going on isn't the high June ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons.  These bond with a heavier atomic nuclei, to cause repeated nuclear fission and to allow for just hydrogen ions and neutrons.

Then we get the formation and decay of tritium.

5 H⁺+2n⁰→ nuclear fission→3(E²+L+X-ray) so we may add to get 3.6 MW of heat!  We need to do the experiments and prove it..  That would yield 1.8 MW of mains electricity: we use by electronics to convert the DC into mains linked AC.

We are talking about the carbon neutral power for 220 houses!  An annual income from the national grid and nine million UK pounds.  For saving life on earth!  But really life on earth was never in any danger - tutor photosynthesis eating carbon dioxide.

So carbon dioxide has been static trace gas during this epoch, I just two PPM.  In the Jurassic there limit was 4 PPM - photosynthesis was less evolved.

There was 85% more active life on earth.  Sea levels been the one periods were 60 metres lower than today.  As all the rainfall was tied up in the local vibrant ecosystems.

But there were three natural ice ages!  The carbon dioxide at 8 PPM - four times today's levels.  In a 650,000,000 year ice age!

The carbon dioxide level has been capped at two PPM in the afternoon air during the present epoch.  The global climate has been cooling since 1995!  It will stop warming again next year.  Nature has 28 year periods of climatic warming cooling - caused by a predictable solar cycles.

All the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling!  Including Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

Did life originate on Mars.  If we chemo and drill down and to the underground river water circles the planet, we should find life!  Supported by the turbulent flow of water in the deep doing molecular nuclear fusion.  An internal sun!

Closer to home, that system should operate all around the earth.  If we drill down to the geothermal water that circles the planet, we should find loads of life.  So was it the way he from solar radiation.

Burning fossil fuels already does molecular nuclear fusion.  Oxidising the carbon radicals takes in heat.  The nuclear fusion releases massive heat, produces helium and X rays.

7 CₘHₙ+pO₂→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

This is a source of Allied produced by burning fossil fuels.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays!  Answer was no fossil source of helium gas.  Except we are doing molecular nuclear fusion r(...).

So if we use the electronics from a all fluorescent light, we can fire up a steam plasma and do molecular nuclear fusion direct.  Fossil fuel burning and there Prix uses the 45 kW/m or bonus.  A steam plasma produces 2.4 MW of heat from 1/2 metre plasma at four atmospheres.

By now they should be loads of academic papers and PH D's on molecular nuclear fusion.  But the physicists and engineers have and nose too firmly embedded in the feeding trough of global warming and since 2005 manmade climate change: meaningless nuclear fiction!

A steam plasma uses just 10⁻ⁱ²cc of regular water a year, to produce 2.4 MW of heat at four atmospheres.  No hyper toxic radioactive waste!  No use of enriched uranium or other radioactive isotopes.

The plasma enriches its own hydrogen isotopes!  Which fission into heat light and X rays.  No solid waste!  There totally nontoxic carbon neutral Energy System.

A 25x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 600 kW of heat.  A theelectricrmo generator will convert into 75 kW of DC.  The converted to speed linked AC, and drive contact MS Electric Motors.

The family hatchback only requires 8 kW of power.  A small helicopter 45 kW.  Totally carbon neutral!  Utilising two little water ever to accurately measure. 1.5x10⁻ⁱ²cc in the 3 three year life of the car.

NASA are the world's experts on the Sebatier process.  Which they employee in space!  They should turn their attention back to natural gas production on earth, and they will make a bloody fortune!


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