chargeless Electric car

free power from water - no hydro

We use the power of lightning.  In the free air the turbulence of rain or snow storms converts regular water into massive heat, with a bit of light and ultraviolet radiation.  This is why storms are the companied by light flash illumination!

Blue flashes: electrical discovery in storm clouds › News › Science

5 Nov 2020 — This was demonstrated to not be the case three decades ago with the discovery of Transient Light Events (ELT). The 'elves' or rings of ...

1 H₂O+P+TU→E+L...X-ray

The emission of light is very low, sir just revised a spooky illumination, light the dripping of water over one metre in a cellar - which also does 1.

When we set this system at Sheffield University 2001, the got a very puzzling results!  And my PH D work got mysteriously ended.  So I went off writing songs and singing on stage, but continued to work on the problem.

My Eureka moment came 2008, since the accademia a high shear absolute no interest in my ideas about nuclear fusion on earth.  We're actually doing a steam burn from regular water.

2 (H₂O+P+PL) enclosed→2(E²+L...X-ray)

So a steam plasma cylinder does carbon neutral heat generation.  A 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat, from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.

So a high schools can set up a steam plasma, all the relevant date are being gathered by physics, as I use the electronics from a fluorescent light to fire up the plasma in a glass cylinder,

If my figures are correct, it will happily drive for standby generator, to produce 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity: half the megawatts we generate as heat.

Using such a tiny volume of regular water, will struggle to measure it in 1000 years!  I have kept Sheffield University department of Engineering Materials informed of my academic work.

It would take them a lunch hour to confirm my calculations.  Or correct them!  And then get a local engineering firm, to churn out the plasma power plants.  For under 2000 UK pounds.  And generate 1.2 MW of mains electricity for ever.  An annual income of six million UK pounds.

So the plant's will pay for itself in the 4 hours!  We then sign over the electricity to the house owner, who will require the engine found to keep regular service and check on the device.

So that is why 150 houses, or four high schools who no longer consume mains electricity.  They provide 1.2 MW of carbon neutral power.  Hence the annual income of six million UK pounds!

The national grid is in danger of receiving two much electricity, and melting down!  So the national grid will only buy new electricity if the mains voltage is below a tour and 30 volts - in the UK it national grid is supposedly 250 V.  Both have supplied cancer be down to 230 Watts.

So every high school in the world, and or engineering firms can make our power suppliers.  Selling the excess current to the national grid.  Ceasing to consume mains electricity.

The garage scientist can build A plasma power plant in a garden shed or garage.  And supply the carbon neutral power for 150 houses.  The annual income of six million UK pounds from the national grid.

Involving no fossil fuel burn!  An absolute no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes.  Present uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance of 100 billion per 100 MW power station, annually.

That level of insurance is not commercially available.  They make do with 50 million.  And bribed the nuclear regulator to look the other way!  The biggest corporate illegality in history.

To run a car or we only need 8 kW of electrical power, A 10 CM steam plasma will generate 128 kW of carbon neutral heat.  Again involving no radioactive isotopes!

A nuclear power car or is the ultimate terrorist deity bomb target!  The Ford Motor Company experimented with using a heat source to drive a thermoelectric generator.  Which has 13% efficiency!  But no generous gothic centring effect - we get from a spinning steam turbine.

So our 10cm steam plasma and will give us an 8 kW of DC, we convert into a speed linked AC, to drive contactless Electric Motors on the wheel hubs,

So we drive a car without any petrol or diesel burn!  We produce no life enhancing carbon dioxide.  And absolute no radioactive waste!  Driving a car using uranium nuclear power, would require annual insurance cover of 50,000,000 UK pounds.  And the special nuclear licence specific to Oak Ridge in the U.S..

So a plasma is turning regular water into massive heat.  Too little water ever to measure in a lifetime of the car.  No regular stops to refuel.  The drivers will require a timeout and eating stops.

So we are produced an infinite range electric car, which never needs a battery recharging.  When not running, it can hawker up to the mains, and so AC current through a metre in the car.  And the national grid pays us annually for the excess current.

Which will drive one 1/2 houses!  So hook up as home, and sell the excess current to the national grid.  So electricity bill will come in every month, with a check from the electricity company.

And it goes off from regular distilled water: which is simpler than dealing with the salts in tapwater.  Which would in actual fact work anyway!  So charge and fuel less motoring.

And carbonate neutral mains electricity from water.


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