Breaking waves produces neutrons

turbulent water forms He gas and neutrons

Breaking wave - Wikipedia › wiki › Breaking_wave

Breaking of water surface waves may occur anywhere that the amplitude is sufficient, including in mid-ocean. However, it is particularly common on beaches ...

Missing: neutrons ‎| Must include: neutrons

Breaking wave - Wikipedia › wiki › Breaking_wave

In fluid dynamics, a breaking wave or breaker is a wave whose amplitude reaches a critical ... Helium analyzer · Nitrox production.

All around the world the turbulence caused by breaking waves, or waterfalls over one metre high, plus the deep sea water current turbulence, converting regular water into helium and neutrons.

We are seeing molecular nuclear fusion, down to -22° C!  The freezing point of water in the seas anyway.

1 2H₂O+O₂+(P)+TU→He²⁺+2n⁰+O₃²⁻+L...X-ray

The fluid turbulence causes a high June ions from several water molecules, to interact with the orld seeing electrons from another molecule, to form neutrons.

2 ̾H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Basic elementary a level physics!  But the exposed hydrogen ions, also interact with other a hydrogen ions.  To form helium, light flashes and X rays.

3 ⁱH⁺+ⁱH⁺+TU→²He²⁺+L...X-ray

Which is why the deep C naturally produces helium and ozone ions, or giving out light flash illumination and X rays.  The deep seas are doing molecular nuclear fusion.

When there C waves break on the shore we also do molecular nuclear fusion.

4 ⁱH₂O+O₂+TU→He²⁺+O₃²⁻+L...X-ray

So breaking sea ways already do molecular nuclear fusion.  Down to -22° C!  Which is why the seashore pieces so much helium and ozone gas.  And at night, we get light flashes, which are not detectable by eye.

So breaking waves to nuclear fusion!  The clean Energy System - totally carbon neutral.

The simplest way to tap into this Energy System, is to use the electronics from a all fluorescent light, to fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.

5 (ⁱH₂O+P+PL)confined→2(E²+L...X-ray) the light and X rays are too low power to be a consequence.  But a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Twice dynamic is a lightening strike!

6 ̾H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁻² where the turbulence of rain or snow particles, again does molecular nuclear fusion. 1.2MW/m.

So we know and that her steam plasma cylinder, releases at 2.4 MW from a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres.  Totally carbon neutral non toxic power!  Involving no fossil fuel burn, and no radioactive isotopes!  Required all produced.

The carbon neutral electricity for 150 houses: using a commercially sourced steam turbine to convert the heat into 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.

So garage scientissts can set up the steam plasma Power System in a garage or outbuilding, can generate their 1.2 MW of carbon neutral power, from just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.

And get an annual income of six million UK pounds, from the National Power grid!  For all that lovely carbon neutral power.  They cease to buy any mains electricity or gas.

They are selling carbon neutral electricity.  Which can be used to generate carbon neutral heat.  And it is 1950s technology!  It is really not hard.  Once you know!

So this is why breaking waves on the seashore, spray out loads of neutrons.  A totally non nuclear neutral source!  No radioactive isotopes involved.

Just one metre of fluid turbulence on regular water.  Not enriched!


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