Warming and lighting Manchester

free heat and electricity for the North West of the UK

A gas plasma smashed use the gas molecules together, the real positive nuclei and free electrons.  The pressurise plasma converts regular water into heat light and X rays.

1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

Above four atmospheres the steam plasma itself sustains.  Every 3 minutes around the earth there is a lightening strike!  That does molecular nuclear fusion.  Half as energetic as the steam plasma!

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray

According to the plasma pressure, the heavier atomic nuclei recombine with a free electrons.  In a turbulent fashion!

University geography departments have put on record the production of five tonnes of helium ions, from regular snow or rain storms.  That also emit X rays!  Of which there is no chemical source.  Nature is doing nuclear fusion at -50° C around the arctic.

But the gas plasma is free E carbon neutral heat.  And we crunched the numbers, an ran out there every lightening strike is a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma.  Which in its light and even X rays.

As it does 1.  In the borrow the electronics from old fluorescent light, we can fire up A steam plasma in a garden shed.  That is a massive carbon neutral heat.

Each 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, releases 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat from a glass cylinder.  We immerse in a water boiler, and at eight atmospheres 800° C, you can generate 1.2 MW of carbon zero electricity.

From just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  I have in publishing this idea for the last decade!  I have yet to hear from one Dr. or professor of physics.

It turns out a steam burn is really easy to produce.  As to why so the dynamism of molecular nuclear fusion.  Which was suggested to me by professor Z at Sheffield University department of engine materials.

Who abruptly ended my PH D, when I wrote a paper on it doing nuclear fusion on earth.  From regular water in a steam plasma.

There plasma are combined so a high June ions and electrons, to form neutrons.

1 ʸH⁺+e⁻→(y+1)n⁰ hydrogen ions, keep the high June ions and electrons of plant, by the late on spending in an orbit!  In the plasma the sub atomic particles are free!  And get combination of the hydrogen nuclei, which are a proton bonded to one or more neutrons, with a free electron.

The electron proton combined to form a neutron.  So converting a hydrogen nuclei into strings of neutrons.  The oxygen ion houses atomic number degrees by one, as a proton is converted into a neutron.

That is radioactive nitrogen!  Which undergoes nuclear fission.  So we half the atomic number, an hour or two particles!  Of Berilium, helium and then hydrogen ions/

And he all-ready C and that the plasma converts hydrogen ions into heat light and X rays.  The ultimate clean energy source!  An matter is such a cancer of the energy, at 2.4 MW of heat is produced from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water.

Heat with no carbon dioxide production!  Carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth, so within 5 minutes extra come dioxide ends up as plant and animal biomass.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+P+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E₂+Lb+X-ray)

So plans take in ultraviolet light, and emit a faint blue light and X rays as a bill carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.  So they form the free radical oxygen, which results in the formation of ozone, which forms the ozone layer!  And facilitates multi cellular life on earth - stopping the sterilising affect our and fills the solar radiation.

In the modern epoch even before mankind evolved, temperate carbon dioxide levels are fixed at just two parts per million.  The static level in the afternoon air around the temperate earth.

In the arctic winter there is no photosynthesis.  And carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM - a attempt to -50° C.  Carbon dioxide so does not warm the air!

Carbon dioxide supports all biological life on earth.  The oxygen and plant biomass is a result of plants do nuclear fusion on earth.

Mankind can convert from burning hydrocarbon carbohydrates, to firing up a steam plasmas.  A 1m row of oil or gas burners, only releases 45 kW of heat!  As most of the nuclear fusion heat is taken up in a oxidising the carbon.

Our 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Generating 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.  Off two little water ever to measure in a lifetime!

I wrote a paper for this to professor Z 2001 and he could not end my PH D work quickly enough.  Whose major funders where hyper toxic uranium nuclear power.  They may external funder of science research.

That is why the academic world for alcester manmade climate change, as the natural climate started cooling 1995.  It will next warm again 2023!  Next year.  Expect papers on global warming some way to make a comeback.

The carbon dioxide levels have been static at just two parts per million around the temperate earth since he even before mankind evolved.  The extra come dioxide results in extra plant life within 5 minutes!

Which is why gardeners keep cases of little animals in a greenhouse.  But crack open the greenhouse windows during the cold dark night.  When the plant's all start taking back in the oxygen, to do so low fat burn!  The animal half of the carbon cycle.

A static trace gas affects nothing!  June 2 biology and plant's that is exactly what carbon dioxide years.  Man made climate change is just the latest fiction from hyper toxic and uninsurable nuclear power.

Since Fukushima every 100 MW nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million!  The most under insured and toxic industry in history.

Funding tertiary education, so all the academic scientists tjhe write papers on nature doing molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is so obvious!

We can suspend a grid of steam plasma loops.  Each emitting 2.4 MW of heat and light, above public spaces all around the world!  Personally over the cold and dark lands.  So he during the dark winter months, and the Covid of steam plasmas, acts as a free natural sun.

Converting regular water into massive heat and light!  No fossil fuel burn and definitely no uranium nuclear power.  We use a miniscule volumes of regular water, to heat and light the public areas in the northwest of England.

So we end winter!  Farmers can plant seeds after the first harvest, and Gro a second harvest during will today there are the cold and dark months.

People can wander around in the light and dark the public streets.  I devised this idea when I lived in Sheffield.  I now we have at salford quays - and some of it is a to in the city of Manchester.

So the Parks of Manchester are light and warm all year round.  247!  We turn down the plasma pressure during the day, so we emit little light and heat.  An eight under the pressure and light and heat production during the night.

Sheffield has loads of open park areas.  So would really benefit from this idea.  Am I being carried to totally over to Sheffield, and supervise this Ph.D..

Which were automatically get massive funding from the UK government!  This is life saving science.  That totally demolishes the summer's fiction of manmade climate change: which is only ever PR by hyper toxic nuclear power,


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