Melt the north pole

melt the ice

This uses 1950s technology, to approve a heat shuttle provided by her us seas and oceans.  At the equator, the cold polar water is heated by the sun.  And becomes more dense, and use driven towards the poles.

This to cause maximum density of water at pressure is 3° C.  Making all the ice float.  So the solar heat is carried towards the poles.  Making even called lands of the earth, inhabited.

All because ice floats.  So water expands as it freezes.

So the water lapping at the polar ice, is still warmed by solar radiation when it was at the equator.

We establish a large heat pump.  This is the way your fridge works!  It loses heat to the air from a pressurise gas, which went vented becomes cold!  So you can call your fridge to 4° C, using the heat to the kitchen area at 30° C.  EU as the pressurise NG and venting of the gas, to pump heat.

We take amonia gas and pressurise it, it's kills for absolute temperature!  Which is Celsius pimp 273.  So if what engineers call the Carnot gas is at 10° C:

1 T2=(2x(10+273))-273= 278 degrees C.

We lose a seat via a large helix in the seas.  We massively heat or cold arctic waters.  Which even boil off into water vapour!  Which will hit the cold polar air, and fall as a warm rain.

So the ice will melt!  And will back into the seas as water at 0° C.  RS and the polar ice will melt.  And flow back to the equator to pick up solar heat.

As a warm air rises from the large helix in the air, we drive a captive weaned turbine, to Supply Power for pumps and control systems.

So we call the hot lands.  And warm wet the cold winds.  We want a grid of steam plasmas, which will librates even the ultraviolet light required to support photosynthesis.  And we also get ultraviolet and other visible light.

Plants will grow like crazy, sucking carbon dioxide as the air.  Carbon dioxide levels double in the arctic winter - where there is no photosynthesis.

No however we have had the ultraviolet light, heat and moisture.  Plants will grow like crazy.  Reducing carbon dioxide levels to the temperate average of just two parts per million.

Around the temperate earth natural photosynthesis on land and C has reduce carbon dioxide to just two PPM, during the present epoch.  Since before mankind evolved.

Any academic who has ever written a paper about manmade climate change or global warming, is a science he did funded by hyper toxic nuclear power.  And should never have been in education!

Since Fukushima her every operating nuclear power plant, has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  The United Nations is under the legal imperative, to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant in the world.

Again we can use a steam plasma is to generating electricity.  A 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Which will generates virus steam turbine 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.

From just 10⁻ⁱ⁵ CC of regular water a year.  No carbon dioxide production.  No production of plutonium or strontium.  Professor Z for an Sheffield University as previously passed me not to credit him with his ideas on nuclear fusion on the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water.  No credit given!


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