Free carbon zero heat and power

Carbon 0 power

We do not use any fossil fuel burn, and certainly no radioactive materials!  A thorium power plant is it a backdoor way to doing plutonium, fast breeder nuclear power.

And would require annual insurance cover of 100 billion for each power plant!  And the nuclear processing licence owned by the likes of Oak Ridge.

We use a steam plasma.  That is basically a strike of lightning catching a glass cylinder.  Lightening already does molecular nuclear fusion in the airs around the earth.

We set up for a lightening strike, to buy a the rain or snow storm.  Which itself does molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+3e⁻+O⁺+E²+X-ray so the turbulence of heavy precipitation, rain and snow turn some other water molecules into helium and oxygen ions.  With free electrons.  Plus production massive heat and X rays.

Continuously all around the world!  At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike.  Which links up the positive charge collected above the cloud layer, we've electrons they carry the negative charge to the ground.

So continuously nature is doing nuclear fusion in the air around the earth.  In a confined glass cylinder the hydrogen ions within the plasma, linking up with the electrons.

2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Neutron generation in lightning bolts | Nature › letters

by GN Shah · 1985 · Cited by 134 — Intense electrical discharges through polymer fibres have been shown1 to produce 2.45-MeV neutrons, probably by deuteron–deuteron fusion.

So a heavy rain or snow is a non nuclear source of neutrons.

In a confined glass cylinder, the neutrons bond with the hydrogen and oxygen ions, to enrich them and cause nuclear fission.

3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→ E+4H⁺+3e⁻

It is essential that Sheffield University duties or engineering students, over the neutron formation accompanying heavy rain or snow.

Then a family the neutrons bond with it hydrogen ion, to convert the matter into massive energy light and lower power X rays.

4 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L...X-ray

Each 50x1cm steam plasma cylinder at four atmospheres, should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  As opposed to a one metre row of oil or gas burners, which only releases 45 kW.

A 1mx2cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 8.6 MW - or more of carbon neutral heat.  During the annual shutdown the commercial power station should convert over to steam plasma tubes, and cease to burn or oil and gas.

They can generate over 100 MW of carbon zero electricity, from 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water annually.  Totally carbon neutral electrical power!  Utilising no fossil fuel burn.

Required number 100 billion annual insurance, required by every nuclear power plant around the world to operate legally since Fukushima 2010.  40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.  Nuclear power has bunged the nuclear regulator, explain she for a man converting ever to free E nontoxic molecular nuclear fusion: OK, I only thought of its 2010!  The name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent.

At a stroke with a can replace all burning of oil and gas.  And make mankind's electricity and heat generation go carbon neutral.  And we generate no radioactive substances!  The ultimate in green energy.  There goes off from such a mine you to volume of regular water.

Using 1950s technology!  All the academics researching manmade global warming climate change, have totally ignored global photosynthesis on land and in the seas.

There converts additional carbon dioxide from burning the fossil fuels, back into active biomass within 5 minutes.  The a Prix industrial static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate there.

Above the polar ice in winter, there is no photosynthesis.  The carbon dioxide fixed at four parts per million, attempt to -50° C!  Carbon dioxide tracks the wax and wane of plant growth cycles, which follows the natural weather the a four year time delay.

Carbon dioxide has no affect on the weather!  The mineral records traces is back 140 million years.  Carbon dioxide has nothing to do with the weather.  The weather controls plant growth cycles, so affects carbon dioxide with a four year lag.


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