climate change cured five years ago
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All published by the 1930s |
2018 as blogging about the concept of Dr. Z, that the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water did nuclear fusion. Actually idea of his uncle a professor from Columbia, who published work on cold fusion 1976.
I wrote my first paper on this subject 2000 light Sheffield University, and my PH D work was yanked from under my feet: Dr. Z at all in 2022 that he expected Cambridge University to offer me a medical PH D. They didn't.
An extended the doctor's idea of using higher power ultrasound to make the foreign pressurise cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections look dangerous to the body.
From the same I found out that the body tissues experience ultrasound pounds above 160 Watts 40 kHz. I used to work in metallurgical ultrasound, so was familiar wave using a fake rubber gear to prevent ultrasound burns using to kilowatt ultrasound.
So 2008 I wrote up the idea of using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to clear the inflated structure of viruses. Foreign cell types must have an inflated cell nature, to induce viral type cell replication. So a precancerous cluster is set there glowering, and till they acquire some viral RNA to induce single cell type division from an opportunistic viral infection.
All viruses or use an share the trick for single cell type division. And all fall cancer as only start dividing as a acquire some viral RNA.
As an engineer and I was intrigued the cancer and viruses I had a foreign inflated cell nature: as taught to me by professor fossil from Michigan State college, before he retired to mental health problems.
Mental health inches or caused by an inflated viral type infection, a viral rump, in the brain area. But 2010 I firstly validated that one application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression.
So all dementia cured physically using my 8 W one MHZ unit, I validated it cleared breast, colon and lung cancers 2010.
I had the unit after the Moffitt cancer centre utilised 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to totally clear the inflated foreign cell structure common to all cancers.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound. I firstly validated that an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, was as effective and cost under five UK pounds.

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The Moffitt wanted $10,000 for their 3 MHZ unit. Due to my frequent blogging the Moffitt cancer centre hospital chain went bankrupt. Briefly flirting with the defective biochemical cancer treatments, as they went insolvent.
So their cell and or 100 patient double blind trial, supervised by three medical professors had a 100% success rate in clearing prostate cancer and viruses.
Without doubt the most brilliant piece of medical science in history. Validated by every registered Dr. On earth using the 8 W three MHZ unit to clear all 200 types or cancer out there 2000.
I firstly validated 2010 and that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Clearing viruses stops the formation of cancers, and dementia and other mental our problems, and diabetes.
2010 I firstly validated that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas totally cleared type two diabetes in one session. I cleared it for my church friend, mother and stepfather.
The Christie cancer hospital in Manchester has started doing heart and diabetic medicine. And were really annoyed when suddenly my parents went diabetic free. The Christie was then legally compelled to take all patients of all medication. Side effects being such a huge problem!
Medics have not been allowed to medicate the well. My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay he in type one diabetes remitting. 2016 I validated the full minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas even cleared type one diabetes instantly for ever.
The Moffitt was disgusted that other medics would not use their HIUS as a one session cure to what transpired to be all cancers. For which they were awarded the noble prize in medicine 2015.
There HIUS clears all cancer cells types as have ever or could ever exist to boil and rupture in 1 minute. Inducing their own immune system to secrete and action the young antibody to totally clear the foreign, that dangerous cell type from the body.
My thanks here goes to Dr. MatZinger for Medical Paper 1998, and the failure immune system to clear the foreign cell type of cancers, as they did not appear to be dangerous.
One application of the 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound, set off nuclear fusion in the pressurise cancer cells. So we are doing nuclear fusion within a cancer cell, than 31° C are four atmospheres pressure.
This is why the ultrasound scans of cancers at 5 W 40 kHz, causes the cancers to emit X rays: of which is no biochemical source. And no source of radioactive decay. We are doing nuclear fusion within the body. Technically biological molecular nuclear fusion.
I gave the physical equation as 1. This explains the emission of X rays from all cancers, discovered by medics in the 1880s. Where the santis weren't aware that X rays could only be emitted by nuclear fusion, nuclear fission just too toxic! So the body prickly as hyper toxic radioactive isotopes from its diet.
So cancer cells happily do nuclear fusion at 31°million C4 atmospheres pressure. At this stage you might or checked that self serving physicists have declared nuclear fusion only happens or 10° C the term and the fears pressure.
Not so. They should talk to biology or geography - the global experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
Green plants on land and C during the day he to carbon dioxide from the air, and do nuclear fusion to for the conversion of the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.
2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+chlorophyl+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)n+O₂-E)+r(He+O₃+Lb+E²+X-ray)
So nature does nuclear fusion in the process we need termed photosynthesis. It utilises infrared light, and the biological catalysts are chlorophyll, to bind the carbon to water molecules. To form carbohydrates. Excreting oxygen, and the person is taking in energy.
So the process would not usually happen in nature if not linked inevitably to the biological molecular nuclear fusion the plant photo blast does.
Which is why the photosynthetic organ Earl of plants has such powerful damage repair mechanisms.
You can cure for a walk through a field of green plants during the daytime, and measure the xray production of the green plants. We are all familiar with the small ozone from the countryside.
A sure sign that nature is busy doing nuclear fusion, green plants also emit a faint blue light during the daytime. Of which there is no chemical source!
Photosynthesis evolved in the cretaceous, which saw carbon dioxide levels crashed from 100 parts per million, two just one PPM. 90% of life on earth died.
The existing animals multiplied in numbers, to eat there are seeing plant biomass. Converting the oxygen waste gas from plants, back into the carbon dioxide needed to stimulate plant growth.
3 Cₘ(H₂O)n+digestion+(m+r)O₂→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray)
So you give off X rays from a stomach after a heavy meal. I your cell mitochondria are constantly emitting X rays, as the oxidation of carbohydrates give the cells energy. Hence biology the world's experts into nuclear fusion on earth.
Another area of X ray emission, is shown waterfalls over one metre high, or water rapids with turbulence above 1 W.
4 H₃O+TU+O₂→He+O+E+X-ray+O₃ TU= Dr. Z's fluid turbulence.
Which is why the water as it flows over a one metre water wall in the Scottish winter at below 0° C, and it wasn't the air by 10° degrees C. And gives out X rays and forms ozone gas.
So your humble waterfall does nuclear fusion! As confirmed by use of a sensitive Geiger counter. And you know as detects the ozone. Only sensitive gas analysis and something will detect the man you trace of helium gas.
Am sure there every scientists on the planet was embarrassed by the nuclear science fiction, of manmade global warming. Which transformed into manmade climate change after the earth an inner cellar system planets into the cooling phase 1995.
The inner cellar system planets have a 28 year periods or warming and cooling. Cause five predictable short term solar emission variations. Nothing to do with man!
Green plants are applying two and on the land and seas of the earth, to take in carbon dioxide during the day he to the present limit of two parts per million. Man kind has no control over the carbon dioxide levels! Nothing at all to do with carbon dioxide.
In the Jurassic age then all records teachers there was four parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air. A generally warm period of prehistory, with three natural ice ages.
The previous form of photosynthesis left four PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate earth during the one periods. But every arctic winter the present carbon dioxide level doubles to four PPM. As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. -50° C above the north pole.
In the Jurassic ice ages the men record teaches is again at the temperate carbon dioxide level was eight PPM. The life only just survived around the equator. Though photosynthesis carried on in the seas, away from the sea ice.
So today he had a bath the Antarctic ice sheet, we have four parts per million carbon dioxide in the air. And temperatures down to -80° C. Carbon dioxide obviously not a warming gas!
That fiction was invented by the paid pounds employed by uranium nuclear power, try science fiction about carbon dioxide.
The gas which supports most life on earth! The sulphur cycle is being just two had done acidic. Happening only around volcanic pools.
5 H₂SO₄+rH₂O+TU→H₂S+2O₂+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray)
So the sulphur circuit turns sulphuric acid into hydrogen sulfide and oxygen. Well again doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. From the preceding the less acidic carbon circuit.
So all biological life on earth the powered by biological molecular nuclear fusion on earth. Hence the massive production of X rays around the globe. Low powered so probably not penetrating a paperbag.
As professor Argent pointed out to me 2005, biology taught that green plants during the daytime eat carbon dioxide. To are the carbohydrates of life. Excrete NG the surplus oxygen.
Animals eating the plant biomass, the carbohydrates. And the mitochondria oxidise the carbohydrates. To do nuclear fusion again.
To complete the carbon circuit. Which has an ice effect there for the last 11.2 thousand years, the global carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth has been Every day are just two PPM.
There is no 400 PPM! Plants were just not allow it. So plants around the exhaust from fossil fuel burning plant, experience alive beused during the daytime.
Turn the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of plant biomass, emitting ozone, A faint blue light and even X rays. Quite how obvious does biology need to make it!
Life on earth is far by nuclear fusion on earth. In the case of plants initialise by infrared light from solar radiation. For animals you're doing the energy body cells need during life.
Another area of X ray emission is for a heavy rain or snow storms. Doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
6 H₂O+TU+O₂→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray
Hence geography university departments have noted that heavy rain or snow storms, inevitably warm the air, and the to the production of helium and ozone ions. Producing massive heat and even emitting X rays.
At 5000 volts 100 amps are charge build up, a 2 CM thick, x1.5km steam plasma links up the cloud tops and the ground. To discharge all that current build up.
Emitting visible light and X rays. And leading to the production of 5 tonnes of helium weather lightening bolt touches down: practical date are from and university geography departments.
7 H₂O+de/dT→He+O+L+E²+X-ray the lightening volts liberated a constant 1.2 MW of heat and visible light plus X rays. Blinding white light! Again of issues no chemical source.
So lightening volts are driven by physical molecular nuclear fusion. Which he rather suspected in 1980s! The emission of X rays is for cheekily damning.
I was blocking about this 2018, or my American contact user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starter, to fire up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma. I have free use the calculator is are four atmosphere steam plasma are would release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.
My friend's non pressurise 30cm steam plasma liberated a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. He acemi for the best way to turn that heat into electrical power.
We could have hired a little steam turbine for 1300 UK pounds a month, and got a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds a month from the national grid.
For the home user we buy a 1300 UK pound thermoelectric and generate 65 kW of constant three phase mains AC current. At the national voltage and frequency locked.
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The thermoelectric generator will give us an annual payment from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds every year. The little steam turbine will 45 million UK pounds annually.
All totally carbon zero! In the equation below PL is the plasma.
8 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+(X-ra)) the produce X rays if they exist, will be of low power and no consequence. Not penetrating the glass cylinder.
Carbon zero heat and power is so fantastically simple to produce. Using 1930s technology - the thermoelectric generator. This is being developed to produce mains linked three phase AC current.
And what an income! Any passing millionaire will not be impressed. The regular working man will be off to buy a glass cylinder, and a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator.
Selling the excess current from a 65 kW, to the national grid. Who is committed to purchasing carbon zero electricity.
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