
Showing posts from March, 2025

carbon zero micro suns

Comstant nearly free light A 30x1.5cm steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  Which a commercially sourced 65 kW firmer electric generator will turn into 35 kW AC electricity. Without depending on the unreliable environment for anything!  We use a high voltage electronics from an old fluorescent light, to fire off a plasma.  Which will self sustain drug-or any water addition. ======================== Doctors said it gave me the most brilliant scientific idea ever!  That the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam to clean and safe carbon zero nuclear fusion on earth. Then he ended my PH D work 2001 and suggested I went off to Cambridge University to study cancer.  Cambridge never offered! 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray actually the idea of his uncle from Columbia University.  Familiar to every American and presumably other academics on the planet.  TU= fluid turbulence of water molecules. B academics keeping silent a...

nature does carbon zero power continuously

Feel the heat and electricity Around the world waterfalls over one metre high are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion continuously.  Which makes the academics frantically studying a fusion torouys not doing exothermic heat generation look pretty stupid. Power for Nature By Jonathan M Thomason Published   Mar 13, 2013 Ebook 3.00   GBP As it had given the idea are doing nuclear fusion on earth by Dr. Z 2000.  Who gave me his idea from his uncle who was a professor at Columbia University, about using the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam to do nuclear fusion. The crucial thing years that we want fluid turbulence above 1 W to give us the nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions to form helium.  This was the subject of an 1895 paper published five Columbia University into using ultrasound to set off nuclear fusion in liquid water. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= 2 kW ultrasound Itself the world university those describes her mankind could use a 2 kilow...

Free fresh water for the world

free global fresh water It is stag really easy to cure the sea or river water into pure drinkable freshwater.  Using high school physics. The first of all other get free carbon zero source of electrical power.  I have been blogging about this for so long!  Practically confirmed by my American contact 15 years ago. Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Set up by rain or snow storms that feature water molecules in chaotic turbulent interaction.  Which does Dr Z pointed out on my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, did nuclear fusion.  What the late Professor Bernard argent cold (physical) molecular nuclear fusion. We need the turbulent interaction of water molecules above 1 W.  A1 metre high waterfall gives us just such interaction.  Ends up heating the water, which fills the miniscule bubbles of helium and oxygen gas. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray  So waterfall and it never a water level in the fre...

climate change cured in the 1930s

Carbon 0 power a century ago 2005 the low price of Bernard Argent, metallurgy professor at Sheffield University reminded me that green plants eat carbon dioxide.  Down to the present limit of just two parts per million. Extra carbon dioxide converting into plant biomass, carbohydrates within 5 minutes on the temperate land and oath and seas. 1 mCO₂+Lir+chlorophyll+(n+r)H₂O→(Cₘ(H₂O)â‚™+O₂-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray↑) So photosynthesis uses so the biological capitalist of chlorophyll, to fix the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life, Cₘ(H₂O)â‚™.  Excreting the surplus oxygen and taking in energy. My old PH D supervisor from Sheffield University, the now professor Z, tell me I had missed out the excretion of oxygen.  But otherwise refused to comment on green plants' doing nuclear fusion. The subject of my PH D work 2000.  Which he acemi to continue working on, as usual at Cambridge University would offer me a a medical Ph.D. into cancer.  Cambridge d...

Home Power that pays a fortune

Sell excess power to the national grid Practically confirmed by my American friend seven years ago.  I know to their geography had written academic papers and that heavy rain or snow storms giving off X rays and heat.  There is no chemical source of X rays. The Waterfall By Dr. Jon Thomason Published Mar 24, 2021 Paperback 16.68 GBP We have caught nature doing carbon zero nuclear fusion.  What the late Professor Bernard argent termed (physical) molecular nuclear fusion.  Where precipitation turbulence had converts some other water molecules into just massive heat the motor light, and our X rays. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University 2000, had a double first from Columbia University.  And the Columbia library contains documents from 1895, on the ultrasound NG of liquid water also giving of X rays.  Dr Z for the service so much time and effort, as he was undoubtedly familiar with a paper. 2 H₂O+US→He+...

climate change cured five years ago

All published by the 1930s 2018 as blogging about the concept of Dr. Z, that the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water did nuclear fusion.  Actually idea of his uncle a professor from Columbia, who published work on cold fusion 1976. I wrote my first paper on this subject 2000 light Sheffield University, and my PH D work was yanked from under my feet: Dr. Z at all in 2022 that he expected Cambridge University to offer me a medical PH D.  They didn't. An extended the doctor's idea of using higher power ultrasound to make the foreign pressurise cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections look dangerous to the body. From the same I found out that the body tissues experience ultrasound pounds above 160 Watts 40 kHz.  I used to work in metallurgical ultrasound, so was familiar wave using a fake rubber gear to prevent ultrasound burns using to kilowatt ultrasound. So 2008 I wrote up the idea of using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to clear the i...