Heat generation with no carbon

Power no carbon

I have been blocking about this since at least 2020.  Practically confirmed by my friend in Michigan America.  He fired up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise plasma, and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) they are fairly sure non pressurise plasma does it and generate lower power X rays.

It is burns the water molecules into heat and visible light.  ½ MW of carbon zero heat, will drive a little steam turbine to produce ½ MW of three phase mains AC current.

Far without any carbon dioxide!  No fossil fuel burn and no involvement of radioactive materials.  The answer to the climate change pundits prayer's, he was too busy spurning the research grants from uranium nuclear power.

Which is very ironic!  As a fossil fuel burn on limestone to free use the cement, nex uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

Since Fukushima every day of the operation of a uranium power plant, has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion, for 100 MW of power.  And obviously uranium nuclear power is so very much not carbon zero anyway.  Horrendously under insured!

The plasma send out will never run away.  A quick tap with electric hammer will collapse the plasma.  Which can't run away!  As it involves no radioactive materials.  Just regular water.

The home user can fire up the 30 cm steam plasma, an utilised a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator to give out 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.

The national grid will happily pay us 180,000 UK pounds for all that lovely carbon zero electricity.  Involving no fossil fuel burn, so obviously no carbon dioxide production.  And no impossible insurance cover required either!  The 'climate change'/nuclear stooges can get me on JonThm9@aol.com


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