Heat and power that pays
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Nature does free carbon 0 heat |
My American contact verified that a 30x2cm non pressurise steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. A commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator will provide us with a constant 65 kW of three phase national voltage AC current.
In the UK cure an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds. For the lovely carbon zero electricity for between 8 and 40 houses. Involving no fossil fuel burn and so utterly no uninsurable nuclear power.
So he's such a miniscule volume of regular water into massive carbon zero heat. I will now or explain why. Just fill the 30cm glass cylinder with steam from a boiling pan or paint stripper.
User high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma. Which has a spring loaded 5 cc water reservoir. And the national grid is committed to buying all carbon zero electricity from the user.
So we get a millionaire's income from regular water. Not going to do anything for the price of oil and gas.
Totally carbon zero. Though plants on land and C take Ian carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, to grow! Them a drink temperate air carbon dioxide levels 4 to 2 parts per million in the afternoon day.
That night's carbon dioxide being converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes. And throughout the day carbon dioxide is eaten by plants downds to PPM.
1 H₂O+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+rO₂+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂-E)+r(He+O₃+Lb+X-ray)
So plants under illumination by 80nm infrared light, to biological molecular nuclear fusion. All the academics around the world studying nuclear fusion, this ago for a walk in the fields during the day. And measure the X ray emission from plants. And the care offAll measurement will demonstrate the production of helium and ozone gases.
So plants excrete oxygen and bill carbohydrates. Animals multiplied in numbers in the cretaceous age, to breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by plants. Plant waste! And the ozone added to the protective ozone layer circling the earth.
And the production of helium gas is especially interesting: as is no chemical source of helium. So all those scientists studying nuclear fusion, totally ignoring the biological nuclear fusion done as their own hearts beat. Producing again the symptomatic X ray radiation.
2 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+r(He+O₂+O+E²+X-ray)
Hence every bit of their heart their heart beat pressure ways produce methane, surplus oxygen molecules and free radical oxygen. Plus heat and X rays. So above plants and animals do nuclear fusion.
So biology are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth. And throughout nature we get the emission of the X rays, of which there he is no biochemical source.
Geography has noted that every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike, A 1.5x2cm partial steam plasma that produces five tonnes of helium ions a lightening strike touches down.
The lightening strike also produces so many neutrons. First of all the turbulence of heavy rain or snow does physical molecular nuclear fusion. Explaining why heavy rain or snow storms, give out heat anima to heart trouble some X rays.
3 ⁱH₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray
Again there is no chemical source of helium gas. We have to be doing nuclear fusion. In this case physical molecular nuclear fusion. Turning regular water into helium and oxygen ions, with free electrons heat and X rays.
Professor Z into my PH to work at Sheffield University 2001. With no PH D award. I responded by writing songs and sing on stage in salford. And somewhere urban folk group leader retired.
He got the writing science books. So were added to his fork than nuclear fusion. By writing him a chapter on molecular nuclear fusion.
Is nuclear fusion even possible? (Amelia Hartliss Mysteries ...
Amazon UK
https://www.amazon.co.uk › fusion-nuclear-possible-Ha...
Con-fusion: Is nuclear fusion even possible? (Amelia Hartliss Mysteries Book 4) eBook : Scantlebury, Mike: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store.
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Mike likes to write crime thrillers. I was interested in my work on nuclear fusion. I write to my science books about cancers and nuclear fusion. Get them on lulu.com "jonthm"
I am having an exciting time, after seven years of my book on ultrasound and cancer circling medical academics as in ebook, I have now got a full publishing deal. I did write five books for waiting for the ultrasound NG cancer book to get published.
Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall
on Lulu.com 'Thomason fusion'
Jonathan M Thomason
Published Mar 1, 2013
Ebook 3.00 GBP
Waterfall Fusion
Jonathan M Thomason
Published Feb 14, 2013 Paperback 5.84 GBP
Ultrasound - cancer cure
Jonathan M Thomason Published Nov 21, 2012
Paperback on lulu.com 'Thomason cancer'
26.82 GBP
Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers
Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers
Dr. Jon Thomason Published Sep 16, 2019 Ebook
5.00 GBP
Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers
Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers
Dr. Jon Thomason 1 rating Published May 30, 2018 Paperback 13.41 GBP
I am especially proud of my work on cancer. Which files on the danger model by Dr. MatZinger of the NI H. The book royalty advance from Lulu will finally had to go and do a working holiday in Washington, DC for three months. Working with choir possibly the most clever lady I have ever met. Polly MatZinger.
Exploiting the molecular nuclear fusion suggested to me by Dr Z 2001. Who lost all interest in clean and safe and nontoxic nuclear fusion via the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam, as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair in chemical and process engineering. To make and professor Z.
Without doubt the most important science idea ever to emerge from Sheffield University. I'll get Sheffield ceremony engineering students, if only they would publicise the work on their website.
The Moffitt cancer centre did publish the use of high intensity ultrasound, e.g. 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ ultrasound, like from a commercially source had ultrasound massage device, to clear all cancers and viruses.
The massage sold with a medical licence for safe home use. 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound clearing all cancers cell types as have ever or will ever exist.
½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, totally clearing the foreign inflated cell structures common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. Such massively important work!
There the drug companies had on their damnedest to ignore. Even as voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath they had to personally confirm and then use HIUS to cure all cancers.
Manufacture and sale of biochemical cancer drugs became defective an intentionally fatal medicine 2002. Striking off the prescribing Dr. and drug company without legal challenge.
So every MHS Dr. Has prescribed the defective biochemical cancer drugs since 2002 struck off the day there first defective prescription. Facing the payment of all medical wages since that date.
In receipt of no medical pension ever. Losing all medical drops based on their cancer work. The most pathological professionals in the human history.
Since 2002 the defective doctors have intentionally medicated an estimated 200 million cancer patients to an agonising, needless and expensive death.
There receive an automatic 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each intentional medicated cancer patient death. There prescriptions then invalid, all subsequent prescriptions invalid and illegal.
For us to the return of all medical drug charges since the ceased to V registered doctors. Feeble can buy their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound device, and cure all cancers as have ever or will ever exist.
2024 the drug companies are promoting the concept that 600 Americans had died last year from new cancers. Don't be silly.
1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound to where it hurts, totally clearing the inflated cell structure common to all cancers. The genome and changes at the periphery of the cancer DNA/RNA totally inconsequential.
The new cancers boiling and rupturing in just the same way they all 200 types of human cancer boil had and ruptured 2000. Such a massive improvement to human life. I cured all cancers that existed 2000.
The cure all viral and bacterial infections via ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, stops the development of cancers, heart disease, or dementia and diabetes. There biggest health boon two humanity ever.
From ultrasound massage device purchased via the Internet for under five UK pounds. But now we know how to do nuclear fusion on earth.
Every lightening strike every 3 minutes around the world already does physical molecular nuclear fusion. I already gave you the chemical equation.
A massive amount of carbon zero heat, 2.5x10³⁰ W our carbon zero heat from every lightening strike - as it turns hydrogen ions into five terms of helium.
3 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e̿
The hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons, they are choir possibly our X rays.
4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰+X-ray
Which is why university geography departments, have noted that heavy storms spits out neutrons and X ray radiation. A non nuclear source of neutrons.
Within our 30 CM glass cylinder, the sub atomic particles bond to form non nuclear neutrons. As we do 4. The sub atomic particles, strained as a miss within the cylinder, so not dispersed like from lightening. The lightening does already emit visible light, neutrons and X rays.
The most interesting zero carbon heat system on the planet. Tragically physics do not talk to geography. Though geography are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
Within the steam plasma we have a chaotic missed of sub atomic particles. Which create just so many neutrons. The great unminder of matter.
5 ̾⁶O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+E+X-ray+7e⁻ so many PH D's waiting to be done on this subject.
My master's degree in to engineering, specializing in radioactivity. This is still at the furthest extent of my knowledge base. Thanks to all the physicists who have published work on this subject.
If we fire up a 30cm steam plasma we get out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. A small steam turbine would generate ½ MW of three phase mains electricity, costing 12,000 UK pounds and. The 65 kW firmer electric generator costing below 1500 UK pounds.
We can hire a 65 kW firmer electric generator for just 125 UK pounds a month. In operation it will provide a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds. Giving us an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.
For all that lovely carbon zero three phase mains electricity. Amazingly enough since I have this idea practically confirmed 2018, the climate change brigade have gone on talking about carbon dioxide.
In total denial of biology is carbon cycle. Green plants around the temperate earth air afternoon carbon dioxide to just at two PPM. In the arctic winter carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM.
It is almost embarrassing. There 30 cm steam plasma will then us a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds from a little steam turbine. We can hire for under 1500 UK pounds a month. And get them and 50,000 UK pound payment from the national grid.
From all that lovely carbon zero electricity. Produces the plasma burns regular water, into heat light and maybe lower power X rays. The natural world has no problem the carbon dioxide.
The cretaceous age mass extinction killed 90% of life on earth. Life and the recovery as the existing animals multiplied in numbers. To breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by plants.
Combining it with the eating carbohydrates of plant biomass, to get at the energy and more life needs. Breathing out the carbon dioxide plants take Ian to grow.
Our weather is made her stratosphere. With a heavy carbon dioxide released five mankind burning the fossil fuels, never reaches. The trace level of carbon dioxide in the stratosphere was ejected there in prehistory by explosive volcanic eruptions.
Man carriers carbon dioxide just reestablishes the life that died in prehistory as active biology in the 21st century.
Our 30cm steam plasma will generate a constant 65 kW of three phase mains electricity. Providing the home user the carbon zero heat and power. From two little water ever to measure in 1000 years.
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