carbon dioxide levels are static

Eat that lovely CO2

For the last 11,2 thousand years global photosynthesis on land and seas, has Carbon dioxide at just two parts per million.  Regardless nuclear power plant 10 million into academic research into global warming.

The natural weather has 28 year periods of warming and cooling.  So since 1995 all the planets in inner cellar system have been cooling, according to predictable solar emission cycles.

Then 2023 he we are back to natural global warming.  Nothing at all to do with man.  So master's house 98% carbon dioxide in the air, cooling between 1995 and and 2023.

The climate change promoted by nuclear power was just a holding tactic, and till we are back to natural global warming.  I predicted in 2000 when I predicted 2023.

They are the third largest carbon dioxide emitter of mankind's industries was the construction of an uranium nuclear power plant.  It was all that fossil fuel burn clear to turn minus turn into cement for its reinforced concrete.

Releasing in two years the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.

There is a massively simple and free heat system.  Practically confirmed by my contact in America 2018.  A steam plasma burns the water molecules into heat, light and X rays.

1 ⁱH₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray

My contact verified that a 30x1.5 steam plasma fired up in a glass cylinder release a constant 1 MW of heat, from regular light water.  Producing no hyper toxic solid radioactive waste.

A uranium fission due is a massive carbon source.  And only releases 250 kW of heat, are producing the stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium.

Since Fukushima every uranium nuclear power plant in the world has required annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  For all plant only making a profit without insurance of 80 million.  And there is no global source of that level of insurance cover.

Which is why nuclear power has suddenly become a very very silent.  As he realised in horror it was a massive carbon source.  And the most under insured industry ever.

What does climate change predict?  That the every increasing level of carbon dioxide would have no affect on the climate.  Nobody asked the plants!  Who as professor Argent reminded me eats carbon dioxide around the temperate land and seas.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)₂+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

Which explains why plants in light uses 80 nm infrared light from the sun, with a biological capitalist of chlorophyll, to fix carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.

Actually building the carbohydrates also releases oxygen that takes in energy.  I would not normally happen in nature.  If not linked inevitably to the biological nuclear fusion done some seriously when the plant photo blast, turns water into helium and oxygen gases, with a massive heat and X rays.

Simultaneously the green plants emit a faint blue light and X rays.  If you illuminated a green plant in the dark room with an infrared light, it would glow with a faint blue light.

As it released X rays, Turner carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.  No possible weather effect.  By the present law lead of two parts per million carbon dioxide left in the daytime air, as photosynthesis shuts down.

The idea the plant's actually do nuclear fusion is revolutionary I know.  It came out of the chemical equations.  And the emission of X rays and a faint blue light were already written up in the science plant panteon 2000.

Above the polar ice, photosynthesis shuts down in the dark months.  As snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas.  Plant's reverts to using the animal half of the carbon cycle.

Oxidising the fats will oxygen to carry them over the dark months.  Must shut down in the dark of winter.  When the temperatures reach -80° C below the Antarctic ice shelf.

Carbon dioxide level doubles from the temperate two PPM, to the arctic winter four PPM.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Whoever made up man made global warming was a biological idiot: step for professors of physics in the pay of nuclear power.  Who invented science fiction.

Carbon dioxide tracks the wax and wane of plants through the seasons and history.  They have a four year delay in responding to climatic cooling and warming.  So we can be certain the carbon dioxide is not forcing the climate.

The carbon dioxide levels double in a glaciation.  Like the little ice age across Europe in the 18th century.  Average air temperature -20° C.  With a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Though the ice age was strictly limited!  As

All the historical data points to carbon dioxide rising answer climate calls.  Man made climate change was an attempt by the paid phones to nuclear power, to extend the biggest cash cow or of science education is ever known, to write spurious science rubbish about global warming.

1995 and the world for Stephanie cooling.  A quick as a flash by 2005, the paid stooges to nuclear power so only started talking about 'manmade climate change'.  An oxymoron if there ever was one (contradiction in meaning)

The climate is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.  That mankind has to adapt to.  Always has always well.  There is no manmade climate anything.  It is all down to predictable emission cycles from the sun.

You want a carbon zero heat source?  Simple.  User high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Once started you will self sustains while we hours chest 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water to the plasma cylinder.

If we purchase a 12,000 a sourced steam turbine, it will generate 50,000 UK pounds of three phase AC current a month.  At the national frequency and voltage.  Then I you have 50,000 UK pounds a month for ever.

As the National Power grid is are committed to buying carbon zero electricity.  We can generate ½ MW of AC current.  Every house only needs 8 kW on Christmas day.  We are producing the carbon zero power for 150 houses.

Using technology that stretches back to the industrial revolution.  We burn her A massive fortune every year.  From two little water ever to measure reliably!

Heat without carbon dioxide production.  A65 kilowatts thermoelectric will convert are 1 MW of heat again into three phase AC linked current.  Annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  15,000 UK pounds a month.

A totally non nuclear carbon zero energy source.  Which after all is what the world's really wants!  It is not one a new generation of uranium nuclear power plants.  Just to stratospherically toxic and dangerous.


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