Sonoluminecence - carbon zero heat and light

Earth events are carbon 0

Since 1934 science has been baffled by sonoluminecence.  Where the sound and electro magnetic waveforms interact we have high pressure water vapour or steam to freeze a standing wave of light.

There is no non nuclear source of visible light, and we get our first visible light and even X rays!  Without any radioactive substances being involved.

What actually happens is that the stand and electro magnetic ways to create turbulent stiring of the steam, at above one W.  By inside information the strong atomic force giving a hydrogen ions apart.

We have the interaction of electrons, with the exposed hydrogen ions from adjacent water molehcules.

1 e⁻+H₂O+TU→OH⁻+n⁰ so we turn a hydrogen ion and electrons into a neutron.  The positive and negative charges canceling out.  The neutron then bond to other atomic atoms, to enrich the isotope number.

2 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻

B charged sub atomic particles, converts the water molecules into a plasma.

3 H₂O+e⁻→4H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻-E

This is so my area!  I am an engineer, looking for in part from physics that risen professors.

I have talked extensively about using high voltage electronics, like a fluorescent light starter, to initialise the plasma.  Which burns just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc are the regular steam into self sustaining plasma.

Yhe plasma burns the oxygen positive ions into four hydrogen ions and three free electrons.

And big energy release comes from the nuclear fission of helium and hydrogen.  The most energetic being the burning of hydrogen ions, into light heat and X rays.  This is what makes radiant sun's shining!

4 H⁺+2n⁰+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

Dr. Z gave me his uncle's idea from Columbia University; who published the work on cold fusion 1989.

5 2H⁺+PL→He²⁺+L+E²+X-ray

And steam plasma is as a non toxic, and twice as dynamic as the nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions into helium.  Which drives the reading Corona round all young radiant sounds.

Sonoluminescence it gives us access to the carbon zero heat that makes the every radiant Corona are in the universe shine.  Was cells have bent on earth helium, they contract and become a super dense brown stars.  Not black holes.  To so many donors regions of gravity which a non radiant,

And disappear through gravitational lensing.  For me the high voltage electronics is a vital way to set up a steam plasma.  Sonoluminescence emits light, as the steam plasma burns the positive atomic nuclei and free electrons, into just heat light and X rays!

Hence we are doing nuclear stuff - which is energetic enough to emit visible light and X rays.

My friend verified that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat and.

6 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

This is the system that drives volcanic eruptions and earth quakes.  Our steam vents in a turbulent fashion from the deep, releasing massive heat and even X rays!  Drilling down on to the driving magma chamber on tectonic boundaries, allows us to vent the steam safely.

Stopping the law can make eruption or earthquake.  But firing up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, allows is to tap into this Energy System.  A 15x1.5 steam plasma it generates a constant 58 kilowatts of carbon zero heat.

Fed into a messy sourced thermoelectric generator, this will produce three phase AC current.  Enough electrical power for between eight and 20 houses.  An annual check from the power company of 180,000 UK pounds.  A millionaire's income!

From burning regular water into massive heat light and lower power X rays.  No carbon dioxide!  An around the world continuously nature turns this pharmacists and in lightening strikes, and a steam venting to drive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Technically lightening strikes do molecular nuclear fusion.

7 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

The positive ions collected above the clouds layer with a positive charge, and the electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.  And 5000 volts A partial steam plasma snakes its way down from the cloud tops to the ground.  To discharge all that electrical potential.

University geography departments have put on record that lightening strikes produce X rays and five tonnes of helium ions.  Are which he is no chemical source!

8 H₂O+e⁻+P+TU+rO₂→r(He+O₃+E²+L+X-ray)

Every lightening strike, every 3 minutes constantly throughout the year, produces five tonnes of helium gas.  And 80 release of 10⁴⁰W into nature every year.

A flame of oil or gas only releases 45 kW/m of heat.  As it does molecular nuclear fusion. Via 8.  My friends 30 cm steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

A commercially sourced thermoelectric generator will produce and 65 kW of carbon 3 phase mains linked phase and voltage AC current.

Without any fossil fuel burn!  So effectively very nearly free!  Person in $2000 to set up the system, that then runs and power had, burning no fossil fuels, so releasing no carbon dioxide.

Turning regular water molecules into its heat light and X rays!  An mind the matter into waveforms.  The ultimate nearly free Energy System! 


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