Refill the oil wells

Texas is littered with the exhausted oil wells.  But there is no need to wait for nature to refill them.  Week in use the 1918 noble prize in chemistry awarded to Sebatier.

It is why the wonders of thermodynamics their reactions are often reverse when we change the temperature and pressure.  Burn so it was with oil combustion.

1 CₘHₙ+pO₂+P->mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+T+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray) p=m+n/2 the unburn Gus back petrol and oxygen.

Any of you will be quiet puzzled by my inclusion of r(_).  My chemically equation for molecular nuclear fusion.  This explains why burning fossil fuels gives off light and X rays!  And so much energy.  As we are turning some the steam into helium and oxygen gases,

We are actually doing nuclear fusion at distinctly moderate temperatures!  And a 1000° C.  Though we do need to pressurise the fuel air mixture.

As professor Argent told me if we heat our carbon dioxide and steam, and he gained two little molecular nuclear fusion.

2 mCO₂+H₂O+T→CₘHₙ+pO₂+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray) T>380⁰ C.

So we can produce fuel oil.  Petrol is carbon 16, diesel is carbon 12.  So far so all we need a source of heat!

We could actually burn some of the produced oil.  Which is actually works fantastically well!  But my American friend validated by bus carbon zero heat source was active steam plasma.

Where we fill them asunder the steam from a paint stripper, and fire up the plasma using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.  Also established the plasma will self sustain!

Why are we all vent the steam pressure we are 10⁻ⁱ̀⁶cc of X show water a year!  To others or ever to measure!  We had to calculate it!

So a fuel oil production system they've rates massive heat, a little light and lower power X rays.  We separate out the fuel oil from the oxygen, using semi permeable membranes.  Before there is a source of a spark!  But the oil will not burn and alive at temperature.

So we pump there are fewer whil down into empty Oil Wells.  We have made carbon negative fuel oil.  Burn extra come dioxide is converted into active plant biomass within 5 minutes over the land and sea.

So producing artificial boil while actually decrease farming yields.  But we can sell our fuel off at two P per gallon!  Which makes Opec look quite silly!  And or time we are regenerating or oil.

Which is almost free!  The labour Mayor of salford in England, has got very interested in this Chemical Engineering the result of my PH D work 2000.

Running a 30x1.5cm steam plasma will freeze a constant 1 MW of heat, a little steam turbine will convert into ½ MW of three phase mains AC current.

The national grid will happily pay us 1.5 million UK pounds annually.  And then we get the carbon negative fuel oil to sell!

The home user can rent a 65 kW thermoelectic generator.  They get an annual payment of 180,000 UK pounds.  So we could invest 12,000 pounds so next year there half megawatts steam turbine.

That the UK National grid using great danger of melting down here!  65 kW he is a carbon zero electricity for between 20 and eight houses.  Owning us an an income of 15,000 UK pounds a month.

Still a massive income - four in excess of personal needs.  But charities are an open ended market for donations, the good you can do without income!

So we invest under 500 pounds into a highered thermoelectric generator, and get the 180,000 UK pounds a year.  What a payback!

A totally carbon negative system.  All the carbon is stored up as fuel or oil in the deep.  And we generate that huge amount of electrical power.  Without any fossil fuel burn or nuclear processes involved!

And this all came into my PH D work 2000: which got mysteriously ended as I wrote my first paper on clean and safe molecular nuclear fusion.  Professor Z they give me the idea of his uncle from Columbia, and the turbulent flow of water doing nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+TU→H₂O+PL→r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray), so giving us that 1 MW our carbon zero power.  A truly great piece of thinking!  Other academics did not want any work doing on.

As it threatened the then manmade global warming, their big cash cow.  All the natural climate has 28 year periods of warming and cooling, cause five predictable solar emission cycles.

So the global climate started cooling from 1995.  So manmade global climate change is nuclear speak for natural global cooling.

Building a uranium nuclear power plant, uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone to drive of the carbon dioxide.  The cement sets as it draws and carbon dioxide from the air.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions while actually building power plants.

Since Fukushima are a nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance of 100 million a year since 2010.  To operate legally!  Germany and Japan have outlawed uranium nuclear power in their territories.

So nuclear power is such a massive carbon source!  In operation eight houses and close its staff, who needs the lives somewhere!  All massive carbon sources.  Uranium nuclear power not carbon zero.  Horrendously under insured!

In contrast A plasma power plant is totally carbon zero.  Week in use the generative power to suck carbon out of the air, for the fuel oil!

Massively undercutting Opec!  Just a convenient way he to store fusion energy, and we don't ever you burn fossil fuels again!  We form a narrow the fuel oil, which them burnt only releases the carbon dioxide taken in the previous year to form it.

So let's make carbon negative petrol!


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