carbon zero power that pays

Practically confirmed by my American contact in 2020.  The confirmed that a steam plasma was a massive carbon zero heat source.

1 H₂Os+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) a 15x1.5 cm steam plasma produce a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.

A 30 CM steam plasma will produce a constant one megawatt of heat.  They tough 1000 pounds a steam turbine will cost 12 thousand UK pounds.  But produce an income of 15,000 pounds a month!  Money paid out by the national grid!

For the home user a firmer electric generator costing 1500 UK pounds, will generate an annual income of 180,000 pounds a year.  So obviously then we why the steam turbine, and so are back the thermoelectric generator.  Or 180 thousand pounds is quite an income.

From two little water ever to measure in 1000 years, Andy preece this heat, if it white light and all ensure that we generate any X rays: as liberated by a boiling pan or water or kettle.

We burn no fossil fuels, and so a free use no plant steam letting carbon dioxide.  In the present epoch green plants around the temperate earth there free carbon dioxide used two parts per million.

Mankind's extra carbon dioxide convert into active plant biomass within 5 minutes.  Sucking the gas had to the year.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)

Thus oxygen is the waste gas of plants!  The hydrocarbons and Opec is carbohydrates within 5 minutes.  Photosynthesis emits a faint blue light and even X rays!

It is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion, our steam plasma, as regular water into massive heat the motor light and not even sure about the X rays!

500 kW of carbon zero heat ends up as 65 kW of three phase mains linked AC current.  Generating an annual payment from the national grid of 180 thousand.  Carbon zero pays big time!

We are producing the carbon zero electricity the four between eight and 20 houses.  Or six medium sized businesses.  He get free electricity and all ThX for 130,000 UK pounds a year.

OPEC is are livid!  The where our market has just disappeared.  Nuclear power loses money as he our price is below 100 dollars a barrel.  It was around $74 A barrel last time I looked.  Somebody is haemorrhaging cash!

A nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion since Fukushima in 2010.  There is no available insurance above one billion.  The so the nuclear regulators around the world should have shut down all nuclear power plant.  No legal argument!


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