carbon zero pays big time

Non fossil fuel petrol
In the warm Jurassic periods, photosynthesis was less evolved  today.  And left four parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Above the arctic ice there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

It is reasonable to assume that there were are both north and south polar ice.  Which her lifeless white deserts!  With eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Though in the summer the photosynthesis in the seas reduce the carbon dioxide to four PPM.

Today around the temperate there there is two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  Though all life hinges off plant's metabolising the carbon dioxide, into plant biomass.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So all green plants on land and C happily cure for X rays, as the plant photo blast does biological molecular fusion.  Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat, a favour light and even X rays.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays.

You can take a wander through a field of green crops, and measure the X ray emission with a Geiger counter.  Use of high us to detect the faint blue light emitted by plant's.

So nature or and as he is busy doing molecular nuclear fusion.  Waterfalls over one metre high, whatever Rivers do physical molecular nuclear fusion..

2 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+R²+X-rays once again you can utilised a regular Geiger counter to measure the X ray emission from waterfalls.

A beating animal hearts does biological molecular nuclear fusion.

3 2H₂O+CO₂+TU→CH₄+2(O₂+O) which is why magicians can hold their breath so long!  And you breathe out helium and ozone.  The free radical oxygen bonding with oxygen molecules.

Did you realise you breathe out methane!  Along with helium and free radical oxygen gases.

A working steam engine and also does nuclear fusion - which to why steam engines powered the industrial revolution.

4 H₂O+O₂+TU+P→He+O₃+X-ray

Once again he can measure the ozone and xray production.  Just a type of physical molecular nuclear fusion.  All the santis studying 'fusion torouses' and failing to do significant levels of nuclear fusion, must feel such idiots!  Cancer me the hearts of doing significant as the nuclear fusion 70 times a minute!  Turn the Geiger counter on themselves.

So photosynthesis uses light radiation, to initialise nuclear fusion here on earth.  Photosynthesis being the most significant type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

All the climate change scientists must realise that are steam plasma does the signature of the nuclear fusion two day.

5 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray

My American contact firm that a 30x1.5 CM steam plasma did 1 MW of carbon zero heat creation.  A 15cm steam plasma releases a constant 500 kW of nine nuclear, carbon zero heat.  With no carbon dioxide production!

Today I realise that scientists from 1934 had to use electromagnetic in sound waves to set off nuclear fusion in a glass cylinder.

6 H₂O+EM+S→2(E²+L+X-ray) totally carbon zero heat generation!  You would have expected all the climate change pundits, to be asking the questions!  No.

They are paid by uranium nuclear power to talk exclusively about carbon dioxide.  It is ironic, as in the two years of uranium nuclear power plant construction, they use a fossil fuel burn on limestone and to drive of carbon dioxide.

7 CaCO₃+E→CaO+CO2 CaO=cement, CaCO₃=limestone

They are emit from a uranium nuclear power plant construction, they really years the Covent carbon emissions from the operation of a seemly size conventional fired power plant, operating or for 25 years!  Nuclear power is so not carbon zero!

But every day around the temperate earth land and sea, green plants' gobble up the carbon dioxide, to build plant biomass.  Leaving just two parts per 1,000,000 carbon dioxide in the temperate air there for the last 11,2000 years.

A static trace gas affects nothing!  Certainly not the weather.  The most dynamic system on earth.

Since 1995 the inner planets in the inner solar system, have all been experiencing natural global cooling.  Cause five predictable solar emission changes.  Back to normal global warming this year!

Hence manmade climate change, was just the brain dead science fiction from uranium nuclear power, to cover so by natural 28 year period of global cooling.

Even a mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air, has been cooling along with the summer's emissions falling!  There being no photosynthesis on Mars, nothing to eat that lovely carbon dioxide.  Now we are back into A whole period of global warming in inner solar system.  Obviously nothing to do with the pathetic static 0.0002% carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

Above the polar ice In winter the snow covers the land and sea ice covers the oceans.  There is no photosynthesis!  Carbon dioxide rises to four parts per million.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  -50° C over the north pole.  -80° C over the self poll.  Both we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

In the little ice age of the 18th century, the mineral record teaches is the carbon dioxide is back our to a Jurassic four PPM.  Average European Air temperature -20° C.  Pretty obvious the carbon dioxide is not a warming gas!

And credit where credit's due!  Nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  In contrast are little steam plasma power plant, produces 65 kW of carbon zero three phase mains AC current.

Given us that lovely annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  Which explains why the all prices are crashing!  That is why opaque members desperately selling each year over priced oil.  To artificially inflate the oil price!

Even with this illegal price supports, crude oil is $83.2 a barrel.  Though the tonnage of oil being shipped is crashing spectacularly.  Nuclear power loses money they all prices below $120 dollars a barrel.  So nuclear power is haemorrhaging cash at the fuss is made in economic history!

And the Opec Oil cartel is looking a little sick!  Engineers can easily produce oil.  They utilised the 1918 noble prize in chemistry.  Which details the and burning the carbon dioxide and steam at elevated temperature: the opposite of the reaction at low temperature, there methane burns to form carbon dioxide and steam.

8 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+spark→CH₄+(3-r)O₂+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) with so once again we are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  But the methane gas will only burn under pressure.

9 CH₄+P+spark+(2+r)O₂→CO₂+2H₂O+r(He+O+L+X-ray) there was a flame of methane gives out light and X rays, as he is busy doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  It may be gets in everywhere!

So we have ER three non fossil fuel source of methane gas - CH₄.  But week in use the transform this into fuel oil.

We pass it over a honeycomb aluminium cancer list.  And the face centre cubic metal for the rises the methane into fuel.

10 16CH₄+(FCC)+E→C₁₆H₃₄ (=petrol) +H₂ I am refineries tend to burn off the hydrogen gas, which they considered as having no market in full value.

They get petrol or diesel oil.  Diesel being carbon 12, special carbon 16.  Which is carbon negative fuel oil.  We can refill or the empty oil wells in Texas, which will extract carbon dioxide air to the global air.

Decreasing global crop yields!  Nuclear power forgot to include biology in their thinking!  Plant's consuming carbon dioxide down to the present limit of just two PPM.  So engineers can produce almost free petrol.

But the farmers Asian process really needs an input of heat.  So we utilised and steam plasma cylinder.

11 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the plasma burns of regular water into nearly incomprehensible amounts of carbon zero heat.  1 MW between 800 and 2,000° C.

At which temperate you apply rise Asian process zips along!  The gas first producing pure for the cars and vans are their own business, and associates.

Then supplying a petrol and diesel or to local garages.  Which is carbon negative.  Only releasing the carbon dioxide when burnt, used to form the fuel the previous week.

We are talking about 8¢ per liter!  Making or 385p and the to looking for numbly overpriced!

And all this science was published in the 1930s to the 1980s.  Before Chernobyl in 1986.  And the summer's fiction of manmade global warming was devised by nuclear power.  Trying to justify their own existence.

Ignoring their own huge carbon emissions!  Every year operation A uranium nuclear power plant now needs annual insurance cover of 100 billion, since Fukushima in 2010.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

Without adequate insurance the national nuclear regulators have the legal imperative to shut down all uranium nuclear power instantly.  For ever! 


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