
Showing posts from March, 2023

Free Home Power

Watch they give out blue light I have been blocking about this for four years.  During which time the climate change pundits, have protested that I don't come up with new ideas.  I have given them a carbon zero free non nuclear Power System. The answer to this spurious manmade global warming and climate change.  The answer he is the total cancer!  Giving the world access to free E carbon zero power. The carbon staff is interesting!  The of these anti scientific total rubbish.  Global photosynthesis on land and seas of the world can no carbon dioxide into plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day. 1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)â‚™+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray) Green plants in infrared light fix come dioxide and water into the carbohydrates of life.  Excreting the surplus oxygen - and taking in energy.  The process would not naturally or cellar, if not linked to have a energetic Energy System. In this case r(...) - biological molec...

personal power that pays

Mars 87% CO 2 -112° C I have been blocking about this for four years.  It is non nuclear, the carbon free electricity which involves no fossil fuel burn.  Which is why there have been intermittent or oil price crashes of late. It utilises the free Energy System of lightning.  Set up by heavy rain or snow storms doing a dynamic molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray We had up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder at Sheffield University 2001 and so this system was twice as dynamic. The plasma burns the atomic nuclei into heat light and X rays.  This is why my PC was suddenly ended!  I had found the cure to manmade climate change, but the earth had been cooling naturally for six years by then anyway. The Corona is controlled exclusively by a predictable solar system emission cycles.  So all the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling since 1995.  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air. And the plant a...

Nuclear power - carbon hypocrits

Nuclear power not remotely sane After Chernobyl in 1986 conclusively demonstrated that nuclear power was the technology of hades, nuclear power promoted the idea the carbon dioxide would inevitably cause warming.  And the weather was in a natural cooling phase. The natural weather has short term weather periods over 28 years - so will cool and warm and every 20 years.  So a natural climate started cooling exactly on schedule in 1995. Uranium nuclear power bills its plants using reinforced concrete.  The cement for it is produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone. 1 CaCO₃ + Δ → CaO + CO₂ Δ is the energy import I usyally term E This makes nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  After power production, jet planes and heating.  So an active nuclear power building programme is mankind's fourth largest carbon source. Since 19 86 nuclear power have gone on about carbon dioxide warming the natural weather.  Which is cont...

Free electricity for Germany

Guten Tag Deutschland - Strom gratis bekommen Every house needs just 8 kW of electrical power for Christmas day.  This is not a lot of electricity! We fire up my old friend a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  The plasma strips molecules down into positive ions and free electrons.  And the electrons now no longer orbit in controlled orbits. With the oxygen positive nuclei, their shells electrons reject attention from the free electrons from the plasma mist.  Not so with hydrogen!  Which lacks shell electrons. Hydrogn  is just a proton bonded usually to just one neutron.  And here the electron will crash into the proton. The  neutron we see is a proton bonded to an electron.  So the free electrons are attracted and repulsed by the hydrogen ions.  Crashing into the exposed proton. 1 p⁺.n⁰+e⁻→2n⁰ so rather than a hydrogen ion, we now have to neutrons.  Remember a neutron is a proton bonded to an electron and n⁰=p⁺.e⁻ So a plasma i...

Free German gas and petrol

Germany gets free power and heat. kostenloses Benzin und Wärme für das Vaterland This all started off with professor Z's converts some other turbulent flow of steam did nuclear fusion.  A process the late Professor Bernard Argent named molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray I've heard from other academics around the world, that they are actively researching this method of doing nuclear fusion on earth.  Every lightening strike in its visible light and heat, plus X rays as it does molecular nuclear fusion in the free air.  No source of radioactive decay! 2 H₂O+TU+P→2(E²+L+X-ray) twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.  Evolving and producing no radioactive substances!  He converts the matter into just massive heat with light and lower power X rays. But geography has put on record every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow storms is setting up for lightening strikes, by doing molecular nuclear fusion.  So a heavy st...

Better than burning oil and gas

Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall By Jonathan M Thomason Published Mar 1, 2013 Ebook 3.00 GBP When you burn or oil and gas, your had to do a little nuclear fusion!  But most of the energy is taken Ian as you oxidise the carbon atom. 1 CₘHâ‚™+pO₂+flame→(mCO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) p=m+n/2+r r(...) Is molecular nuclear fusion.  They nuclear fusion of hydrogen ions from compounds of hydrogen.  This using a two a hydrogen ions into one helium ions is nuclear fusion.  It is accompanied by the emission of massive heat.  A little light and X ray radiation.  There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays. Plants love the emission carbon dioxide!  Within 5 minutes during the day, the extra come dioxide produced by the plant's oxidising fats at night, and the burning of carbohydrates are hydrocarbons the next day's creation of the next day is carbon dioxide. Plant's over the land and sea gobble up all the carbon dioxide down to just two p...

Free Home Power - Sterling

A Stirling engine is basically a forced draught generator.  You feed in a hot air and he turns and a little weaned turbine.  So 12th percent of the heat is converted into electricity. My friend firm that a 30x1.5cm steam turbine release a constant 1 MW of heat.  Driving a little steam turbine would generate ½ MW of electrical power.  For convenience we rectify into mains linked AC current.  But such a device a cost of 12,000 UK pounds. A cheaper alternative is a commercially sourced Stirling engine.  Which we feed the air heated by the little plasma cylinder. We start the plasma using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, and he runs and power for the rest are history.  Using two little water ever to measure! And we get out 120 kW of electrical power.  Each house needs just 8 kW of electrical power on Christmas day.  The national grid will happily pay us 122 UK pounds for our excess current.  Remember we use ...

Heat and power for free

lovely free heat and power A plasma burn is gases into just heat light and X rays.  My friend verified that the steam plasma was a fantastically energetic carbon zero heat source. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so at 10x1.5 cm steam plasma will freeze a constant 100 kW our carbon zero heat.  Which is very simple mathematics! thermoelectric generator using cheap TEC modules - YouTube YouTube  › watch 2:36 4   cheap   Chinese TEC modules assembled in series using wood fire and water cooling generates up to about 8 watts. YouTube   ·   RLZerr   ·   8 Feb 2015 We use a thermoelectric electric generator to convert all that lovely carbon zero heat into electrical power, with 13% efficiency.  For convenience we rectify into mains linked AC voltage and phase current. Stirling Engine Full Aluminum Alloy Model Collection £539.95   £1,009.95   SAVE 46% So we get a constant 13 kW of electrical power pharmacists an...