Nature does carbon and cost free heat
natufre doing nuclear fusion on Earth Around the world, a heavy rain or snow storm is continuously doing nuclear fusion. The lakes emeritus Professor Bernard Argent turned molecular nuclear fusion. My idea. His name! 1 H₂O+P+O₂+TU→E+O₃+Lir+X-ray So every heavy rain or snow storm liberates infrared light and X rays. We have all the family heat, and smelt the ozone. Here is the way nature does nuclear fusion on earth continuously. Waterfalls over one metre high he also do molecular nuclear fusion. As to feels of green crops in light. 2 mCO₂+P+Luv+(n+r)H₂O)+chlorophyll→(Cm(H₂O)n-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lb+X-ray) So plants in light sucking in carbon dioxide, does the present limit in this epoch of two parts per million. It was four PPM in the Jurassic. There was 85% more life on earth, there are masterly fewer fossil fuels. 10% more oxygen in the air. And sea levels 60 metres lower. There were three natural ice ages, the ...