Waterfalls do clean, safe power Around the world constantly, waterfalls over one metre high turn water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, massive heat and X rays. 1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray Waterfall Fusion By Jonathan M Thomason Published Feb 14, 2013 Printed Book GBP 5.84 The Waterfall By Dr. Jon Thomason Published Mar 24, 2021 Printed Book GBP 16.68 Which is why waterfalls warm the air! And fuels so electric. They can also measure the X rays using a Geiger counter. And at night we get light flash illumination! Basically every he is level of illumination, without focus. The use of the turbulence of higher pressure water or steam, doing nuclear fusion on earth was given to me by professor Z. He was asked not to be credited! A professor at Sheffield University. Not wanting credit! Unheard of. I began writing papers on this subject 2001, and my PH D got yanked from under my feet! So I wrote it up in ...