
Showing posts from July, 2024

Home Power that pays

Money from carbon 0 And we are not talking about a a fossil fuel burn!  We don't use any water or weaned turbine.  An absolute no radioactive materials involved! Around the world is use snowing or raining right now.  An unbelievably this does nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+TU→He⁺²+O⁺+3e⁻ So or snow or rain clowds do molecular nuclear fusion down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice sheet. We also break apart water molecules into hydrogen ions, a positive oxygen ions and free electrons. 2 H₂O+TU→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ So storms act as great natural batterys.  An even snow storms do nuclear fusion, from the turbulent interaction of water molecules as snow. When or snow storm bills up 5000 volts, 100 amps between the cloud tops, where the positive charge collects, and the ground which collects lawyers negatively charged electrons, we get a lightening down strike. Which produces five tonnes of helium ions!  A quick relativistic conversion using E=mc² teaches is that this i...

British nuclear not legal

Nuclear = deatj When publically owned the UK government and erect the nuclear insurance.  But when British nuclear was privatized for 1994, it cease to have government insurance cover. Each 100 MW nuclear power plant required insurance cover of 40 billion, since the Chernobyl incident in Ukraine in 1986.  Which is why Margaret Thatcher never a privatized British nuclear power. After a illegally approving Sizewel Asia in 1984, the insurance problem must have been apparent to the government lawyers.  There being no private insurance cover available above one billion. Margaret Thatcher was never as popular again!  When Tony Blair privatize British nuclear, the government lawyers must informed him that this was illegal!  Yanking nuclear power away from public ownership, that he could never be legally insured again. After Chernobyl in 1986 the required nuclear insurance was 40 billion.  All over the world!  After Fukushima in 2010 the required ins...

British nuclear uninsurable

Nuclear power NOT insured And the insurance cost a nuclear power has been carried by the British government.  But since privatisation under Tony Blair, nuclear power was required to carry private nuclear insurance. And not defend on the UK chancellor.  Since 1978 and the Windscale incident in cumbria, the required annual insurance cover has been 20 billion per uranium nuclear power plant. As they all shut down, that we are seeing insurance cost was carried to the new engineering consortia.  20 billion per nuclear power plant. There being no Prima insurance available above one billion, nuclear power always realise it was criminally under insured. They are required to Chernobyl in 1986 in the Ukraine, which had a Europe wide effect!  The required nuclear insurance rose to 40 billion.  Until 2010. There Fukushima in Japan may use the required insurance level to the 100 billion per 100 MW nuclear power plant.  Again there being no insurance cover av...

Nuclear owes the UK so much money

Sizewel owes 2.3 billion to UK After Windscale in 1978, the required annual insurance cover by uranium nuclear power plant alcester 20 billion annually.  Nuclear power carried the same 50 million since before windscale, and bribed the UK nuclear regulator into non action. So every nuclear power plant after 1978 needed the same nuclear insurance cover of 20 billion.  And fortunately there was no source of global insurance above one billion a year!  So every uranium nuclear plant lapsed into illegality. After Chernobyl in 1986 the required annual insurance cover rose to an eye watering 40 billion a year.  When I met the power station regulator in 1986 he was very definitely any power plant without the legally required insurance cover, required to do an immediate stop in three days. No nuclear power plant since 1976 within the UK ever carried the required insurance cover.  Doonray, Windscale and sell a fuels all operating with criminally insufficient insura...

2xcarbon dioxide in the arctic winter

x2 CO2 so ****ing cold Every day around the temperate earth land and sea photosynthesis eats carbon dioxide, falling carbohydrates, excreting the surplus oxygen. 1 mCO₂+(n+r)(H₂O)+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lf+E²+X-ray) So plant's utilises the infrared light from sunlight.  So far hyper tonics farming we only need infrared fluorescents.  The plant's will liberate their own faint blue light flashes. At the end of the cretaceous photosynthesis had evolved, the carbon dioxide levels crashed to use one part per million.  Fans could only take Ian the carbon dioxide during the day, they had excreted at night as the oxidise fats to get at energy. Only animals had evolved!  To breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by plants, and combine it with the carbohydrates of plant biomass. 2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+digestion→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+Lf+E²+X-ray) So all as animals digest food in the stomach are in the cell mitochondria, they are busy doing biological molecular nuclear fusi...

Ice ages double free carbon dioxide

CO 2  doubles over ice The mineral records in the earth's interior are our own little time machine into the past, the cretaceous kicked off with 10 parts per million carbon dioxide in the air. At the end of the cretaceous free carbon dioxide has fallen to just one part per million carbon dioxide, ice cream plant's eight carbon dioxide during the day. 1 mCO₂+(n+r)(H₂O)+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lf+E²+X-ray) So photosynthesis around the temperate earth land and seas.  Utilises just the infrared light from solar radiation.  To link up carbon dioxide we have water molecules.  Producing the carbohydrates of life, Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ world taking in energy and there rating oxygen gas.  Photosynthesis has a large endothermoelectic component! It liberates oxygen gas, the greatest pollutant in earth history.  Luckily nature could cope with this.  I the same time he does biological molecular nuclear fusion r(He+O+Lf+E²+X-ray) Which Prix uses light flashes and ...

Replacing natural gas

Nature doing carbon 0 heat and power When you burn natural gas in error oxygen, you actually do a little nuclear fusion.  What professor argent named molecular nuclear fusion. 1 CH₄+3O₂+spark→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) The carbon dioxide goes off, and stimulates plant life on the temperate land and seas within 5 minutes.  Leaving just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  The static trace level for the last 11.2 thousand years. Physics is very well aware that a static trace gas affects nothing no possible weather effect.  Mankind's carbon dioxide does not rise above the low earth's atmosphere. Our weather is made in the stratosphere, according to totally predictable solar emission cycles.  So the natural weather cooled from 1995 until 2023. There is just a static 2.5 parts per million carbon dioxide in the stratosphere.  Totally outside man's influence.  Ejected there by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistor...

C 0 electricity that pays

Carbon 0 pays The 1980s I learned in my master's degree in to engineering and metallurgy that burning oil and gas give off light, heat and even X rays!  Light and X rays are the only possible with nuclear reactions. And we have such a mine you to amount of carbon 13, that would decay he had arranged a million times too low.  A major ice doubt the chemical equations, and discover the where it did physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 CH₄+(2+r)O₂+spark→(CO₂-E)+r(He+2H₂O+E²+X-ray) So the burning of natural gas does nuclear fusion!  And the carbon dioxide generation stimulated plant growth locally on land and sea, so within 5 minutes during the day is converted into plant biomass. Green plants' cap of free carbon dioxide in the temperate air to a Prix industrial two Parts Per Million.  The static level for last 11.2 thousand years. 2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)n+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) Cₘ(H₂O)n are carbohydrates - plant biomass.  So photosynthes...

Emission free heat and power

C 0 that pays The practical experiments were done here family by an American contact 2018.  This idea generates heat and soap our with no fossil fuel burn and or nuclear processes. Lightening years in an enclosed steam plasma.  Where the a hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons, and those neutrons bond with other hydrogen and oxygen ions to double the heat output on the plasma. 1 (H₂O+PL)→2(E²+L+X-ray) So twice the energy output of three steam plasma!  The converts regular water into helium and oxygen gases, plus massive heat and lower power X rays. 2 H₂O+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+(E²+L+X-ray) way of lightning a 1.5x2cm steam plasma in the open air produces five tonnes of helium ions.  An energy release of 2.5x1³⁰W our carbon zero heat.  Warm 0.2 MW/m of a lightening strike. And there is no chemical source of helium or X rays.  No source of radioactive decay.  So we are doing nuclear fusion from compounds of hydrogen - in this case water....

carbon zero energy that pays

`.5 million a year This will be the new science that totally transforms the energy production systems of the whole world!  I devised the idea of using a steam plasma as a heat source, after standing and watching lightening strikes!  Which is set up by heavy rain or snow storms. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+3e⁻+X-ray scary equation! University geography departments have happily written academic papers about the production of helium gas and X rays from heavy storms.  I red them in 1983, I was puzzled! There is no chemical source of helium gas or X rays.  It sent out there rain, as do molecular nuclear fusion - the Energy System that drives all radiant sun's in the universe. But we produce charged helium and oxygen ions, and negatively charged electrons.  The positive ions rise to above the clouds layer, the electrons carry the negative charge to the ground. So storms act as giant natural battereis!  The helium is lost to outer space within 24 hours!...

Flames unlocked fusion

nature does nuclear fusion on Earth Since they were lightening bolts around the early earth 3.8 billion years ago, nature has being doing nuclear fusion on earth.  First or we get heavy rain or snow storms. 1 (1+r)ⁱH₂O+P+TU→H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) So a fantastically miniscule volume of the regular water molecules is broken apart into helium and oxygen ions, by the turbulence in the precipitation. 2 H₂O+TU→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ So heavy storms form a low density steam plasma within the precipitation.  And physics gets really excited about ion interactions. With the free electrons. 3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ thanks to physics four publishing the non nuclear formation of neutrons.  We get the interaction of hydrogen positive ions with negatively charged electrons.  Within the storm clouds the ions freely circulates.  They are not locked into safe atomic all bits. Which is why he geography departments have noted that rain enclosed space out neutrons and even emit X rays!...

Why is Kier not at No 10?

Open governtment not He has not taken up residence in number 10 Downing Street.  If he had, the government accountants and lawyers are now have access is last three years our bank records. Would show up the payment of hige sums of money from any financially interested party!  Why the drug companies or nuclear power. Since the Moffitt cancer centre published the total cure of cancers 2002 the drug industry and doctors have been haemorrhaging cash.  They published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, e.g. 8 W 1 MHz to clear all cancers. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray So the inflated foreign cell nature of all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, boil and rupture!  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear that dangerous foreign exploding cell type totally from the body. Total 1 minute cure to all 200 types or cancer!  Hence the prescription of cancer treatments since 2002 has been defective ...

Hinkley never nuclear again

Nuclear so illegal Hinkley point was bills before Chernobyl in 1978.  When the required insurance was thought to be just 50 million. Nuclear Installations: Insurance - Hansard - UK Parliament UK Parliament › Lords › debates › Nuclea... British Nuclear Fuels' sites are currently insured against third party liability and property damage risks under arrangements with the BI(AE)C. Ten years ago, ... Then in 1986 Chernobyl in the Ukraine experience a triple core meltdown!  The same sort of nuclear reactor as Windscale. British nuclear Dr. Margaret Thatcher to improve Sizewell B, as an illegal extension to the demolished Sizewell A.  When this was demolished, its operating licence was revoked! Ever since the Sizewell B has operated without operation consent.  It requires 700,000,000 Royal commission.  Which would are automatically produce a legal 'No' Hinkley point was decommissioned 1990.  And the ukcc government spent 30 ...