
Heat and power that pays

Nature does free carbon 0 heat My American contact verified that a 30x2cm non pressurise steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  A commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator will provide us with a constant 65 kW of three phase national voltage AC current. In the UK cure an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  For the lovely carbon zero electricity for between 8 and 40 houses.  Involving no fossil fuel burn and so utterly no uninsurable nuclear power. So he's such a miniscule volume of regular water into massive carbon zero heat.  I will now or explain why.  Just fill the 30cm glass cylinder with steam from a boiling pan or paint stripper. User high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma.  Which has a spring loaded 5 cc water reservoir.  And the national grid is committed to buying all carbon zero electricity from the user. So we get a millionaire's income from regular water. ...

nature limits carbon dioxide

Early life on Earth The early cretaceous saw carbon dioxide levels at 1000 parts per million.  Then the precursor to photosynthesis evolved in carbon dioxide fell to just one part per million.  Which are due to the deaths of 90% of biological life on earth. A bigger mass extinction than the death the dinosaurs.  Then the existing animals multiplied in numbers.  Breathing in the oxygen excreted by plants.  An e.g. in the carbohydrates there were a plant biomass. In the Jurassic carbon dioxide levels in the warm periods were at four PPM.  Twice the present terrestrial limit.  But there were three natural ice ages.  One lasting a record 1000 years. The carbon dioxide rising to eight PPM: as photosynthesis on land or in the seas covered by sea ice shut down.  Plus four to the modern age. The modern temperate carbon dioxide level in the afternoon air, is omitted to just two parts per million.  As plant's greedily gobble up all the c...

UK goes carbon zero

Ed fixes climate change As I have been shouting at world governments since 2018, a regular steam plasma is a far better heat generation system than burning oil and gas.  As I got practically confirmed in America 2018, a 30x1.5 regular steam plasma will release a constant 1 MW of heat. Firing up the plasma using a jot of electricity from a fluorescent light starter motor, once initialised with the plasma will self sustain or we are just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. That the fossil fuel people have the ears of national governments.  Who was medically the work confirmed in the U.S..  As UK academics will never confirm a carbon zero heat system. 1 H₂O+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray) BX rays are low powerrd, if released at all.  They will not penetrate the glass cylinder.  Burning oil or gas already does affect our physical molecular nuclear fusion.. 2 CₘHₙ+pO₂+(n+r)+flamr→(mCO₂+sO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) So cancer are all planes already do trace of our molecular ...

carbon zero pays big time

He was a lot to say A 30x1.5 steam plasma produces a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  I will explain why!   Week in utilised a little half megawatts steam turbine.  Will generate that ½ MW of three phase mains electricity. Without any fossil fuel burn all carbon emissions.  And deftly no nuclear processes involved. ===================== Surely the answer to eight million pounds treatments, or the UK Energy and climate change minister.  All practically confirmed 2018.  And I have been blocking about this subject frantically ever since. Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Which does free molecular nuclear fusion.  Where TU years turbulence over pound of water molecules. We first saw or meet the rain or snow storm, to set up the charged particles and free electrons, which we need later. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+L So we have our charged sub atomic particles, the helium and oxygen nuclei.  First t...

Heat generation with no carbon

Power no carbon I have been blocking about this since at least 2020.  Practically confirmed by my friend in Michigan America.  He fired up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise plasma, and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) they are fairly sure non pressurise plasma does it and generate lower power X rays. It is burns the water molecules into heat and visible light.  ½ MW of carbon zero heat, will drive a little steam turbine to produce ½ MW of three phase mains AC current. Far without any carbon dioxide!  No fossil fuel burn and no involvement of radioactive materials.  The answer to the climate change pundits prayer's, he was too busy spurning the research grants from uranium nuclear power. Which is very ironic!  As a fossil fuel burn on limestone to free use the cement, nex uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Since Fukushima every day of the operation of a uranium power plant, has...

Giving the world free, non nuclear carbon zero power

Natures does carbon 0 heat for free Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  And geography departments are you nurses have noted every lightening strike result in five tonnes of helium around the base of a lightening bolt. There is no chemical source of helium, the turbulence within a lightening volts must be doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is carbon zero heat generation. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray Five tonnes of helium converts using Einstein's E=mc² into 2.5x10³⁰ W of power.  Worst-ever not very useful Energy System!  Just too random. A much more useful Energy System is to fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Alone my American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, using the steam from a paint stripper and the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.  He got a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. 2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray E² = a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. If we apply a 65 kW thermo...

A steam plasma = carbon zero heat

  Carbon 0 power from regular water My American friend validated that are steam plasma burn to regular water, into heat light and X rays.  There is no non nuclear source of visible light or X rays. We are actually doing the nuclear fusion of hydrogen. Plus all plasma breaks the water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons. 1 H₂O+PL=2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ an year so the oxygen will carry a positive charge For us all in the chaotic missed of sub atomic particles, we get the recombination of the electrons with the hydrogen ions. 2 H⁺+e→n⁰ so you don't non nuclear source of neutrons.  Which physics gets very excited about!  As neutrons are the great unminder of matter. 3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+7e⁻-E Then we get our serious energy release. 4 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰+E² My American friend found that a 15x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma give off a constant 1/2 MW of carbon zero heat.  Firing off the plasma user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starte...